Wednesday, July 03, 2024
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Family Matters

#FindTeleka: You Are Only As Strong As Your Community

family matters

While millions enjoyed the joys of Christmas surrounded by friends and family this past December, many families of missing persons had to relive the agony of “the empty seat” at their dinner tables. The physical void created by a loved one’s absence cannot be filled by any other family member and becomes a constant reminder of the uncertain and dangerous world we live in. The numbers surrounding missing persons are astounding, as an average of 2,300 Americans are reported missing everyday. This number includes both adults and children. Yet, the...

Read more: #FindTeleka: You Are Only As Strong As Your Community


Be Not Dismayed

It seems like barely a few months have passed since we were celebrating the initiation of a brand new year. With this year almost over, it is unbelievable that we are about to begin the process again. And, yet while the days, weeks and months of 2013 sped by, they did not go by without leaving their bruises and scars.  In the midst of our traditional yearly celebrations of birthdays, baby arrivals, weddings, promotions, graduations etc. we have each had to face dark days of personal grief and discouragement. Besides our personal highs and lows we have also had to deal with the relentless fluctuations of a world filled with religious, political, and social dichotomies and turmoil.

2013 brought us:

  1. o       The...

Read more: Be Not Dismayed


Why Selfishness and Neglect Can Destroy Your Marriage

Due to our readers’ overwhelming response to one of our previous issue “Emotional Infidelity: The Silent Destroyer” we have decided to explore this topic further. It is clear that many readers of this column find infidelity to be the main culprit in the destruction of marriages. Some of you expressed your long-time feelings of concern for your partner’s apparent “non-sexual emotional attachment” to someone else and how this was directly impacting your marriage. Last month’s column un-validated your partner’s complaints that you were crazy and/or jealous and instead validated your suspicions that your partner’s emotional attachment to another person was not healthy.

 To set the topic into context let’s review what infidelity means. Infidelity can be...

Read more: Why Selfishness and Neglect Can Destroy Your Marriage




Heartburn is the feeling of burning sensation or pain behind or just below the breastbone (sternum) caused by the backing up (reflux) of stomach acid into the food pipe (esophagus). Interestingly, it has nothing to do with the heart as the name suggests. About ten percent of Americans experience heartburn. It can be triggered by certain foods, lifestyle, medications and even stress. Mainstay of treatment includes avoiding foods that trigger the symptoms and use of antacids. Recurrent heartburn is the commonest symptom of Gastro-esophageal reflux disease-GERD (backing up of stomach contents into the food pipe).


How does heartburn feels?

  • Sensation described as warm, burning, peppery or pain starting from below or behind the breastbone...

Read more: HEARTBURN


Building Lasting Legacies


The late Steve Jobs said the following about death: “Death is the destination we all share, no one has ever escaped it.” Perhaps this is the reason why we should focus our concerns not so much in trying to avoid death but instead we should concentrate our efforts on learning all that we can in and from life. Learning from life and all that it brings with it may actually prepare us to live life with a deeper understanding of our purpose and its fulfillment.

This month, my husband and I were faced with the difficult task of saying good-bye to a loved one.  In his early eighties, at the time of his passing, one could argue that my father-in-law Aubrey Richards had lived a full life.  A self-made man, the death of his mother during his childhood and of his father...

Read more: Building Lasting Legacies


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