Wednesday, July 03, 2024
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Family Matters

Lessons on Life and Death

A few weeks ago I received the sad news that a good friend and business partner, Dawn James-Williams, had passed away. Her death was completely unexpected. She began to show symptoms only a few weeks before being diagnosed with an inoperable brain tumor. Dawn’s story was unusual for the immigrant experience, for after living in New York for more than two decades and not being even close to retirement she and her husband, Colin, decided to move back home to Antigua, West Indies. Among their dreams were to build a home, give back to their community of birth, and reconnect...

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Are You Standing in the Right Place?


Often times I hear people complain about their current state in life. They are not satisfied. They wish they could do more; they know they could do more. Some feel that they have been placed in unfair circumstances. They should not be there in the first place. Their current position in life is someone else’s fault. Yet more live with regret. If only they had done things differently or taken different decisions. If you are one who is not happy with your current situation, have you ever considered that you might be standing in the right place?

In no way am I advocating that you deserve negative factors that accompany this position or that this position is your lot in life. While there is life there must be the hope for better things to come. But, I am asking you to consider...

Read more: Are You Standing in the Right Place?


When Co-workers are Mean and the Workplace is Crazy


Too many employees can identify with “employee discontent”; they feel unfulfilled and unappreciated on their jobs. To make matters worse, many are underpaid and overworked. Impossible workloads and unfair work policies compound the feelings of unhappiness for many employees. Other job-related issues that can also add to employee discontent are having to labor in emotionally unhealthy environments filled with drama and competition where mean colleagues and overbearing bosses seem to abound. Unfortunately, this is the description of many work environments and it does not end at the job site. There is an emotional backlash that remains. Employees often take home the residues of their stressful workplaces with...

Read more: When Co-workers are Mean and the Workplace is Crazy


If Only Our Children Knew That They Were Created Beautiful


As a little girl, I grew up in a world where my beauty was disallowed. My dark skin, my rounded hips, my thick lips, my curly hair – were not seen as signs of beauty.  I remember that as a child my father would set apart a monthly sum from his scanty minister’s salary to purchase Ebony magazine for us. As the father of two black girls, he understood the importance of developing a healthy self-concept, particularly in the times we were growing up in. Thus, he made sure that we were exposed to identifiable and positive images of beauty.

My sister and I would spend hours captivated by the beautiful pictures of those Black and Brown-skinned Beauties like Gladys Knight, Diana Ross, Dionne Warwick, Donna Summers, Natalie Cole, to name but a few. These...

Read more: If Only Our Children Knew That They Were Created Beautiful


Watch Your Reputation on Social Networks


In this day and age, public social networks have become some of the most popular places on the Internet. Almost every other person belongs to a social network; some belong to several.  Social networks are carefully developed digital spaces called virtual communities. They are created so individuals can come together to form groups or networks of people who are connected by common interests such as: friendship, kinship, beliefs, careers, life experiences, hobbies etc. Individuals also have the option of further developing these networks by connecting with people they may not know personally. The boom of some of the most popular social networks such: as facebook, twitter, myspace, Flickr, Hi5, LinkedIn has allowed millions to not only digitally congregate and network but to share and...

Read more: Watch Your Reputation on Social Networks


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