Tuesday, July 02, 2024
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Women Affairs

Women Inventors: Breaking New Grounds…………….

women affairs

The Apostle Paul stated the need for excellence in the use of spiritual gifts in the book of 1 Corinthians 14:12 saying, ‘for as much as you are zealous of spiritual gifts, seek that ye may excel to the edifying of the Church” The purpose of every gift is to build up yourself and others, be it in the Church or in the secular world.  Every life must have a purpose. I hear people say many times that, “I am just hanging in there” and I usually respond that you cannot be...

Read more: Women Inventors: Breaking New Grounds…………….


Is Your Wedding Ring Troubled? ‘Respect & Unconditional Love for your Husband Can Save It’

Recently I watched my husband as he dressed up in the morning and the last thing he usually does is put on his wristwatch and his wedding ring which rest on the same spot on the dresser every night. A thought came to me that, to some people, wearing the wedding ring could just be a habit, something that they have come to do without thinking. Has wearing your wedding ring become a habit instead of a symbol of love and commitment?

Many marriages are a window dressing on the world. They have long lost their flavor and what is left is just an arrangement to keep it together for the sake of the children or the Church or what other people will say. There...

Read more: Is Your Wedding Ring Troubled? ‘Respect & Unconditional Love for your Husband Can Save It’


Woman, What is Your Story?

This is the month of my birth and a special one too because I am entering into my jubilee. This event has caused me to reflect a lot about where I came from, where I am and where I am going.

Everyone has some defining story or stories attached to their lives that can be a learning experience for a younger or even older person. There is the story of a young girl in 1Samuel 13:1-20 named Tamar. She was the sister of Absalom who was King David’s son. This meant that she was a princess. Her half brother Amnon became so obsessed with her beauty that he became...

Read more: Woman, What is Your Story?


Reflections at Christmas - A peep into a Woman’s Heart

Mary the mother of our Lord Jesus’ Christ is someone that every woman needs to emulate in character and in deeds. This season in the life of everyone, Christians and non-Christians alike is a time when we need to examine our life and determine again the purpose for our existence. Mary from an early age was focused so much so that her purity activated the power of God in her life. In the gospel of Luke Chapter 1 verse 28, the angel of the Lord visited her and said, “Hail, thou that art highly favored, the Lord is with thee. Blessed art thou among women.” The bible lets us know that Mary did not answer with pride as someone who rates herself as deserving of any...

Read more: Reflections at Christmas - A peep into a Woman’s Heart


Is Your Wedding Ring Troubled? ‘Respect & Unconditional Love for your Husband can Save it’


Recently I watched my husband as he dressed up in the morning and the last thing he usually does is put on his wristwatch and his wedding ring which rest on the same spot on the dresser every night. A thought came to me that, to some people, wearing the wedding ring could just be a habit, something that they have come to do without thinking. Has wearing your wedding ring become a habit instead of a symbol of your love and commitment?

Many marriages are a window dressing on the world. They have long lost their flavour and what is left is just an arrangement to keep it together for the sake of the children...

Read more: Is Your Wedding Ring Troubled? ‘Respect & Unconditional Love for your Husband can Save it’


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