Wednesday, July 03, 2024
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Women Affairs

Go Forward! A command to beloved Sisters….


I was reading through an article on the internet about the UK tour of President Barak Obama and his wife Michelle recently and saw something that stirred my mind. The first lady paid a visit to a girl’s school in London and was asked what they teach to their two children Sasha and Malia to help them achieve their goals. She replied, “Read, write, read, read” She went on to tell them that one of the reasons why President Obama is a good communicator is because he is a good writer and a voracious reader. First lady Michelle told the girls; “read, read, read” She encouraged them to...

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Go Forward! A command to beloved Sisters….


I was reading through an article on the internet about the UK tour of President Barak Obama and his wife Michelle recently and saw something that stirred my mind. The first lady paid a visit to a girl’s school in London and was asked what they teach to their two children Sasha and Malia to help them achieve their goals. She replied, “Read, write, read, read” She went on to tell them that one of the reasons why President Obama is a good communicator is because he is a good writer and a voracious reader. First lady Michelle told the girls; “read, read, read” She encouraged them to write, saying that practice makes one better. The other advice that the first lady gave to the girls on relationship with spouses and with one another in her own words is: “Do not bring people into...

Read more: Go Forward! A command to beloved Sisters….


Stewardship of Life


I heard a sermon many years ago that rested so well with me that I began to apply it to my everyday life, as well as teach it to people that I come in contact with. The sermon was simply titled ‘Stewardship of Life.’ It brought me to an awareness of my environment and to value the blessings that we so readily take for granted. Things like electricity, safety, fresh food, running water and so much more. What brought this home more powerfully is the recent senseless killings of young people on national service in Nigeria as a result of dissatisfaction with the presidential elections in some quarters. This happened in a country that has the Military as well as the Police. Life is so meaningless to some people that they take other people’s lives at will. I am grateful to God for the...

Read more: Stewardship of Life


When Your Children don’t Show You Love


I was speaking to a woman recently who told me that since this year began, she has only spoken to her son once. The son lives in a different country and seems to be doing well. It is not that she does not want to call him, but that she cannot reach him. He calls her only when he needs something from her or wants her to run an errand for him. Does that sound familiar?  A child like this cannot know when the mother is happy or sad or simply desries to hear the sound of her child’s voice.

The bond of love that exists between a mother and her child is so strong that some mothers would literarily die or give up what they have for their children. What happens to make a child so disconnected from the mother that they do not care and the woman is left to feel like she is childless...

Read more: When Your Children don’t Show You Love


Do You Mobilize Your Children to Participate in Your Conflict With Others?

women affairs

The society is shaped from the home. Women have a great influence on their children and so every mother must be careful with the seeds they plant in the minds of their children. The seed of bitterness, discord and distrust once planted are very hard to evacuate. Our children love us and will do anything to protect us if they feel that our lives or integrity are threatened in any way.

The story of the death of John the Baptist in the Bible typifies the great evil that can come from a bad mother’s influence over her children. In the gospel of Mark chapter 6 from verse 17 to 29, it is recorded that King Herod had married his own brother’s wife. This according to the law of the Lord is adultery. John the Baptist had told him at the time that it was not lawful for Herod to have...

Read more: Do You Mobilize Your Children to Participate in Your Conflict With Others?


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