Wednesday, July 03, 2024
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Women Affairs

I Am Born to Rule and Reign!


A young girl in our Church wrote in a greeting card that was given to me by a group of Church members years ago saying, “You taught me boldness” The message pleased me because I had observed that she had emerge from a timid teenager who always sat by herself in a corner, and was too shy to stand before a crowd to a vibrant young woman. She must have realized that she lacked something essential, because she realized its presence when she got it, therefore acknowledging its addition to the strength of her character. Her self-esteem was enhanced by watching a role model. Fear and...

Read more: I Am Born to Rule and Reign!


Intimacy in Marriage You can be spiritual as well as sensual ……



Intimacy can be defined as familiarity, closeness and understanding. It is also relationship and confidence. When you hear the word intimate, the first word, however, that comes to mind is relationship and sex. Did I just say sex? Among many believers in the Lord Jesus Christ, it is almost sacrilegious to discuss the sexual aspects of a marriage relationship. This I believe stems from the fact that many believe that it is unholy for the husband and the wife to talk about this very important aspect of their relationship.  This lack of communication creates a lot of tension; everything is shrouded in so much mystery. The couple connects at night in thick darkness without much conversation going on.

It is important to pay attention to this issue of intimacy because in...

Read more: Intimacy in Marriage You can be spiritual as well as sensual ……


Intimacy in Marriage You can be spiritual as well as sensual ……



Intimacy can be defined as familiarity, closeness and understanding. It is also relationship and confidence. When you hear the word intimate, the first word, however, that comes to mind is relationship and sex. Did I just say sex? Among many believers in the Lord Jesus Christ, it is almost sacrilegious to discuss the sexual aspects of a marriage relationship. This I believe stems from the fact that many believe that it is unholy for the husband and the wife to talk about this very important aspect of their relationship.  This lack of communication creates a lot of tension; everything is shrouded in so much mystery. The couple connects at night in thick darkness without much conversation going on.

It is important to pay attention to this issue of intimacy because in...

Read more: Intimacy in Marriage You can be spiritual as well as sensual ……


Intimacy in Marriage You can be spiritual as well as sensual ……



Intimacy can be defined as familiarity, closeness and understanding. It is also relationship and confidence. When you hear the word intimate, the first word, however, that comes to mind is relationship and sex. Did I just say sex? Among many believers in the Lord Jesus Christ, it is almost sacrilegious to discuss the sexual aspects of a marriage relationship. This I believe stems from the fact that many believe that it is unholy for the husband and the wife to talk about this very important aspect of their relationship.  This lack of communication creates a lot of tension; everything is shrouded in so much mystery. The couple connects at night in thick darkness without much conversation going on.

It is important to pay attention to this issue of intimacy because in...

Read more: Intimacy in Marriage You can be spiritual as well as sensual ……


Intimacy in Marriage You can be spiritual as well as sensual ……



Intimacy can be defined as familiarity, closeness and understanding. It is also relationship and confidence. When you hear the word intimate, the first word, however, that comes to mind is relationship and sex. Did I just say sex? Among many believers in the Lord Jesus Christ, it is almost sacrilegious to discuss the sexual aspects of a marriage relationship. This I believe stems from the fact that many believe that it is unholy for the husband and the wife to talk about this very important aspect of their relationship.  This lack of communication creates a lot of tension; everything is shrouded in so much mystery. The couple connects at night in thick darkness without much conversation going on.

It is important to pay attention to this issue of intimacy because in...

Read more: Intimacy in Marriage You can be spiritual as well as sensual ……


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