Wednesday, July 03, 2024
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Women Affairs

Your In-laws are not Your Enemies! ……A case for family unity


There is a phenomenon that is so common in marriages that some have unconsciously accepted it as normal. It has come to be expected that a wife will mistreat her husband’s siblings and mother-in-law especially, and vice versa. All other extended family members also are treated by the wife mostly as intruders, while the in-laws see her as the obstacle to them getting any help from their brother, uncle etc. Before you crucify me for saying this, I know, believe and hold on to...

Read more: Your In-laws are not Your Enemies! ……A case for family unity



woman affairs

Tears has often been seen as a sign of weakness by the society. Women mostly are very expressive of their emotions and many times come under criticism or even ridicule because of the fluid of emotions.  Tears are the liquid product of a process of lacrimation to clean and lubricate the eyes. Strong emotions such as sorrow or elation may lead to crying. The process of yawning may also result in lacrimation.

There are women who do not cry easily and are seen to be strong whereas, it may be an outward show of strength that may or may not...



Long Distance Relationships ……how do you express love to your spouse

woman affairs

In the world that we live in today, it is a fact that many families live apart for a greater part of the year. Many reasons are responsible for this, the most important being the issue of income and resources to sustain the family. Sometimes either the wife or the husband, usually the husband gets transferred by their very important, or not so important job to another place, or either one gets a job offer that is desperately needed to keep the family going financially or that would further their career, like a promotion. For people who are involved in the work of missions to other nations or regions, there may be occasions when both cannot travel together, and each have to be separate for long periods of time. True love does not mean being inseparable; it...

Read more: Long Distance Relationships ……how do you express love to your spouse


Woman Arise. It Is Time To Shine.

woman affairs

Welcome to a brand new month in a brand new year! We love to reflect at this time on the roads that we travelled in the year gone by and the ones that we will pass through in the New Year which we have entered into. Almost everyone desires that something new, different and positive happen in their lives, homes, businesses and ministries. This is very good. The question, however, is how do we achieve this? This time last year, my greatest request was for God to do something new in my ministry. I had my plans laid out and I had a clear picture of what I wanted Him to do. What you want and how God leads is however sometimes different. What God did was a total rearrangement of people and priorities around me. Some of the process was welcomed...

Read more: Woman Arise. It Is Time To Shine.


Are you Lonely or Rejected? Come to Immanuel – God With Us!

Why did God allow my child to die? Why did I lose my job? Why did my husband leave? Why am I childless? Why do people reject me? Why am I sick? Why did I lose my home? Why, why, why!

These days when you try to witness to or counsel women and men alike, you are  usually confronted with a barrage of questions as to why negative things happen to them. These questions come not  only from unbelievers but from born again children of God too. The explanations that are given from the word of God is usually not easy for people to receive because their reasoning is that if God is with me, why do bad things happen to me. We know from the scripture that our adversary is the devil. He is said to be roaring around like a wild Lion seeking whom to devour because he has been sent out of...

Read more: Are you Lonely or Rejected? Come to Immanuel – God With Us!


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