Wednesday, July 03, 2024
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Hypertension – The Silent Killer


Hypertension is the presence of elevated blood pressure (BP). The latest statics from Centers for Disease Control (CDC) helps to drive home the need to take the measurement of your BP seriously. Of particular note is that CDC refers to Hypertension (HTN) as the silent killer, the same term we used on the subject in the article on the issue over three years ago. It is therefore necessary to echo the issue of HTN again. The graphic illustration from CDC helps to capture the issue

 \In essence about 36 million Americans have high BP that is not well managed. It is estimated...

Read more: Hypertension – The Silent Killer


Attorney Famuyide Wins Texas Deportation Case in New York


It all started so badly with a domestic dispute with a baby mother who pulled the NYPD trigger by calling 911. The police left a note, this illegal immigrant walked into the police precinct to report as the note requested, only to be arrested, jailed and handed over to the U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement Agency. He was moved from New York jail to a York Pennsylvania jail. He was transported from York which is about 6 hours to a jail in the remotest part of Texas. This immigrant considered giving up many times before Attorney Famuyide came to the rescue.


It all started in the year 2008 when Attorney Famuyide received a call from a frantic relative through a referral. It was a awful case with an open domestic violence occurrence at the New York...

Read more: Attorney Famuyide Wins Texas Deportation Case in New York



As you may recall from a previous write up on hypothyroidism, thyroid disease occurs when the thyroid gland produces too much hormone (hyperthyroidism) or too little hormone (hypothyroidism). Sometimes an acute illness may cause thyroid hormones levels to be abnormal but the issue resolves when the illness is over. This article will focus on the overactive thyroid also known as hyperthyroidism.

To refresh our minds, the thyroid gland is a small gland located in the front of the neck about the mid-portion, which is normally not visible or felt. It is a butterfly-shaped gland with its two wings (lobes) connected by a small bridge-like tissue called the isthmus. When it becomes enlarged for various reasons (some of which will be addressed in the article), it is called a...




healthcare_hepatitisHepatitis C is a virus infection of the liver cells. The virus causes liver cells to be inflamed. About 3% of the population carries the virus. There are about six types of Hepatitis viruses and they are: A, B, C, D, E and G. Hepatitis C runs a chronic cause in the carrier and may eventually develop into liver cancer.
How is Hepatitis C Contacted?• The commonest mode of transmission is through blood and blood products. This mode was common prior to the development of a sensitive test to detect the virus in blood donors. • Needle sticks: Sharing needles, accidental needle stick carries a risk of about 0.3% (compared to 30% for Hepatitis B and 3% for HIV).• Sexual transmission is possible but the risk is very low in a monogamous relationship.• Other means: Scarring done with...

Read more: HEPATITIS C




Heartburn is the feeling of a burning sensation or pain behind or just below the breastbone (sternum) caused by the backing up (reflux) of stomach acid into the food pipe (esophagus). Interestingly, it has nothing to do with the heart as the name suggests. About ten percent of Americans experience heartburn. It can be triggered by certain foods, lifestyle, medications and even stress. Mainstay of treatment includes avoiding foods that trigger the symptoms and the use of antacids. Recurrent heartburn is the commonest symptom of Gastro-esophageal reflux disease-GERD (backing up of stomach contents into the food pipe).


How does heartburn present?

  • Sensation described as warmth, burning, peppery or pain starting from below or behind the...

Read more: HEARTBURN


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