Wednesday, July 03, 2024
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Many people do believe that cholesterol is not good for the body. The truth, however, is that cholesterol is one of the most abundant sterol in the body. It serves as building blocks for many hormones such as progesterone, testosterone to name a few. It is also important for proper functioning of cell membranes. In excess amounts it can clog blood vessels thereby causing damage to vital organs like the heart (heart attack) and the brain (stroke). It can be measured in the blood as a component of lipids (simply called fat). It is carried around in the blood by special proteins called lipoproteins (proteins transporting lipids). The measurement of cholesterol should start by twenty years of age, except the person has other reasons to justify measurement at an earlier age.
Types of Cholesterol
Low Density Lipoprotein (LDL): Popularly known as “bad” cholesterol deposits cholesterol in the walls of blood vessels (arteries). These deposits cause thickening and narrowing of the arteries, which is known as atherosclerosis.
High density lipoprotein (HDL): This is also called the “good” cholesterol and it carries cholesterol away from the artery to the liver.
Total cholesterol is a measure of all the cholesterol you have – LDL, HDL and VLDL (very low density lipoprotein).
The ratio of LDL to HDL (LDL/HDL) is also reported along with cholesterol testing as a risk for heart disease. The ratio will be affected by having high level of LDL or very low level of HDL.
Know your numbers
Lipid profile which is a combination of cholesterol and triglyceride levels is best done after 9 to 12 hours without food; hence a fasting blood sample is the best. We will discuss triglycerides in our next article.
LDL level Population of people Comments
less than 130mg/dl General population, without risk factor for heart disease
Less than 100mg/dl People with risk factor for heart disease
Less than 70mg/dl People with very high risk of heart disease, previous heart attack
130-159mg/dl Borderline high
160-189mg/dl High
190mg and above Critically high
You will notice that the level of LDL permitted for people with risk of heart disease is much lower than what is allowed for general healthy population. So in comparing your results with people it is very important to take into account whether or not you have risk factors for heart disease.
HDL is good cholesterol, the higher the level the better.
HDL level Comment
Above 40mg/dl (men)
Above 50 mg /dl (women) good
Below 40mg/dl (men)
below 50 mg/dl women Bad
Total cholesterol is all the components added together with VLDL
Total cholesterol Comment
Below 200mg/dl Desired for healthy population
200- 239 mg/dl High, not good, especially if HDL is low
Above 240mg/dl Too high
Conditions that affect interpretation of Cholesterol results
Some of the risk factors for heart disease that modifies the way doctors interpret your cholesterol report include: Smoking, diabetes, high blood pressure, family history of heart disease at an early age and peripheral vascular disease.
Take Home message
Simple changes to your life style have great impact on your cholesterol.  Daily exercise, eating food low in cholesterol, excluding red meat and egg yolk from your diet. Deliberately read the cholesterol content of what you buy. Eat less saturated fat. Check your cholesterol level.  Do not miss the next article on the conclusion of this topic.
Dr. Dairo can be reached at Amazing Medical Services, 110-16 Sutphin Blvd, Jamaica NY 11435. Our phone number is  (718) 526 7600.

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