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Education & kids

Ask Lisa-Anne March 11


Do your children have low self esteem?


Q. The psychologist at my daughter’s school sent home a consent form requesting

permission to begin counseling services. He feels that my daughter’s academic

struggles are due to poor self esteem.  She doesn’t appear depressed to me and she is

only 13 years old.  Do you think she could be suffering from low self esteem?


A.   Since I haven’t met or interacted with your daughter, it would be difficult to say yes

or no.  I can tell you that young girls...

Read more: Ask Lisa-Anne March 11




Dangers of Campus Rape!


Q.  My daughter told me recently that her roommate was almost raped while

on a date on their college campus.  Her roommate didn’t know this boy well,

so she decided to have their first date on campus.  After a few hours, he asked

her to come to his apartment to see something.  He had been so nice, she didn’t

think it would be a problem.  Once there, he demanded sex and when she refused,

he tried to force her.  Luckily, she was able to get away and run to her dorm room.

My daughter tried to get her to tell the police, but she refused thinking that she

was so stupid for going to his room.  Could you use your column to educate parents


Read more: ASK LISA-ANNE Feb11




Q. I am a high school teacher and I know that many of my students drink alcohol. I’ve spoken to them about it and they don’t seem to be concerned as long as they don’t drink and drive. I’ve even heard them say that their parents know about it. Can you alert teens and parents to the dangers of alcohol?


A. Yes, it is amazing that we have so much information about the damage alcohol can cause yet our teens continue to drink it. The teen years are challenging ones because teens think that they are invincible, they have little life experience, and they think that adults are out to ruin their fun. I will provide some information here that you can share creatively with your students and parents to...

Read more: ASK LISA-ANNE JAN. 2011


ASK LISA-ANNE December 2010


How Can I Help My Son Do Well On the SAT Exams?

Q. My son took the SAT exams this year as it is his senior year. The results were fair. He is very anxious when taking tests and this impedes his ability to do well. Do you have any strategies that will help him remain calm and get a better score?


A. He is not the only one. Many children freeze on exams because the anxiety is so great. Some put too much pressure on themselves and others get too much pressure from their parents! Being able to remain calm and think clearly is important to passing all exams. It also requires self-confidence that he has prepared well and he is ready for the test. First, explain to your son that he has a few chances left this year to do well...

Read more: ASK LISA-ANNE December 2010


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