Wednesday, July 03, 2024
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Education & kids



Q. I just received the school year calendar from my kids’ school. On the calendar is a “back to school night.” What is it and is it important for us to attend? Also how can I ensure that my kids have a successful school year?

A. Yes, it is important and yes you should definitely attend. First, you should attend as many school meetings as possible. They not only keep you informed but allow you to provide your ideas and concerns. Back to school night is a general meeting that has the following purposes: you get to meet your children’s teachers, principal...

Read more: ASK LISA-ANNE August 11




Q. My son almost failed 4th grade this year. We got him extra tutoring and with the help of his dedicated teacher, he was able to make it through the school year. I am concerned that he will lose the new skills he has gained over the summer. How can I keep him from falling behind over the summer and prepare him for the next grade?


A. Good question! It is so important to keep academic skills solid over the summer. Many children experience what’s called the ‘summer slump.’ When they return in September they appear to have never seen the tasks before. Keeping kids sharp academically, while they still enjoy the summer, is key to academic success. Kids are most vulnerable to lose the skills they learned in the last few months of school as...

Read more: ASK LISA-ANNE July 11


Ask Lisa-Anne May 11

Q. Last summer my son was stung by a bee that led to swelling and a horrible allergic reaction. I’m afraid that the same thing will happen this year but I can’t lock him up in the house all summer. Do you have any suggestions?


A. As the weather gets warmer we will encounter many insects. Here are some to keep away from!   Many bugs give us reason for pause, including poisonous spiders, chiggers, bees and lice. But few get under our skin – quite literally – like the tick.



Be careful of ticks — they can cling to you as you brush past grass and plants. Ticks don't always carry diseases, and...

Read more: Ask Lisa-Anne May 11


Ask Lisa May 2011



Teachers Could Deny Privileges to modify Behavior


Q. Recently my son was denied permission to attend a class field trip because

       of his behavior. I didn’t think that it was fair to make him stay at school and miss the

       trip, so I kept him at home. Does a school have the right to refuse to take children on

       field trips as punishment for behavioral issues?   Angry Mom


A. Yes, according to the current School Law, 30th Edition text p.466...

Read more: Ask Lisa May 2011




Q. My nephew is in the 2nd grade and his parents think his reading skills are adequate.  I think he is reading below grade level when I compare him to my son but I’m not a teacher and I don’t know what his reading skills should be for 2nd grade.  Can you get that information for me?


A. Sure!  In the lower grades (Pre-K to 2nd grade) kids develop skills at different stages.  Around 3rd grade academic skills begin to level evenly.  Since learning to read is a long and complex process, some students hit college only to discover their skills aren't where they should be. The website reports the following skills that 2nd graders should have:

1. Building...

Read more: ASK LISA-ANNE April


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