Wednesday, July 03, 2024
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Education & kids



Is Homeschooling a Good Option?

 Q. Our daughter has a mild learning disability.  We are not sure she is getting all she needs at school and are considering homeschooling as an option for her.  What do you think?

A.  With every education option there are pros and cons. It depends on who you ask. What seems common between the two opposing views is that parents who home school need to be organized, creative, diligent, well read, have high energy and be hands on motivators for their children. By definition, homeschooling is an education option...

Read more: ASK LISA-ANNE July 2013




Q. I have three children all under the age of 5 years.  I’m trying to teach them at home while they’re young.  Can parents increase their children’s IQ and make them smarter?

What exactly is IQ?  Are White children smarter than Black children?

 A. There are those who insist that you can’t raise a child’s IQ because it is fixed at birth and others insist that you can.  It is clear in the research that you can change your child’s academic or intelligence performance. We have all heard about abuse cases where parents locked children away in cages for years and the children suffered physical, mental and nutritional abuse.  If tested right after they were found, these children would score in the extreme low...

Read more: ASK LISA-ANNE May 2013


ASK LISA-ANNE February 2013


How are African-Americans and New Immigrants doing academically?

Q.  As we celebrate the Black History Month, what is the state of academic achievement for African-American children and new immigrant children at this time?

A.   The stats are still poor.  Overall, African-American students score lower on standardized tests, graduate at lower rates and are considerably more likely to be expelled, suspended or placed in special education.  If they are poor and new to the country, the gaps are even worse.  If students are new immigrants who speak another language like Hispanic, African or Haitian students the ability to achieve is hindered even more. Research shows that African-American children tend to attend districts with substandard teachers...

Read more: ASK LISA-ANNE February 2013



ask_lisa_anneDo I Need To Go To Back to School Night?Q. I just received the school year calendar from my kids’ school. On the calendar is a “back to school night.” What is it and is it important for us to attend?A. Yes, it is important and yes you should definitely attend. First, you should attend as many school meetings as possible. Not only do they keep you informed but also allow you to express your ideas and concerns. Back to school night is a general meeting that has the following purposes: you get to meet your children’s teachers, principal and other important staff, academic standards and expectations are outlined, homework expectations are presented, behavioral issues are addressed, parent expectations are outlined, specialty staff are introduced should your child need any services...

Read more: ASK LISA-ANNE August 12




Do You Know the Dangers of Leaving Children in Hot Cars?


Q. I recently heard about an old grandmother who was babysitting her four month old great grandchild and forgot the infant was in the car and the infant died from heat exposure. Can you warn parents about the dangers of leaving children in hot cars this summer?


A. It is such a sad scenario to hear that parents, grandparents and even babysitters, have left a child or two in the car because they only planned to be in the store or post office for a few minutes.  Many return to find the child/children very sick or dead.  In the story you have shared, it was just a sad mistake. Being older and out of her usual routine, made it easy to forget the infant was there.  This is...

Read more: ASK LISA-ANNE July 12


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