Wednesday, July 03, 2024
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The Process

true repentanceJudas Iscariot, the man who betrayed Jesus Christ, was a human being just like you and me. He lived in the physical body just like us. He lived a life that ended in shame and hell but I pray that neither you nor I will head that way. I’d like you to think about the decision Judas made after his error; He was convinced that he needed to go through a repentance process but he went through a wrong one.

What did Judas do? He committed a sin – the sin of betrayal. He betrayed the Savior Jesus.

Have you ever committed the same eternally fatal error? Yes! Many times over.Each time you commit any unrighteousness, the Bible says, you have sinned. (1 Jn. 5:17) Only the grace of God has sustained you till now and I’d like to appeal to you to allow Jesus Christ to minister to you now and follow the right route of repenting and receiving forgiveness.


What is true repentance? A repentance that is done by going to Jesus Christ, the only person who has the power to forgive sins.  Isa. 43:25 says’ “I, even I, am he that blotteth out thy transgressions for mine own sake, and will not remember thy sins.” KJV

1 John 1:9 says, “If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins, and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.” KJV

Did Judas repent? Yes! Mat. 27:3-4 says, "Then Judas, His betrayer, seeing that He had been condemned, was remorseful and brought back the thirty pieces of silver to the chief priests and elders, 4 saying, "I have sinned by betraying innocent blood." NKJV


Why was he not forgiven? He did not ask. Although he had a sense of remorse but he did not ask Jesus Christ to forgive him. He even made restitution of a sort by returning the blood money (Mat. 27:1-10), but he never prayed that Jesus would forgive him. He hung himself instead of seeking help from Christ.

Truly, the fact that he returned the blood money and the fact that the priests used the blood money to purchase a land for the burial of strangers do not make anything better (Mat. 27:6-10). Therefore, watch your ways. The fact that you bring illicit money or dubiously acquired money to church does not make your sin go away. The people thought they could wash their hands clean by using the money to purchase a memorial ground. Please, God is not mocked. Any money you use, although for charity and donations [what people call good cause], as long as it is not money earned from your good labor is not acceptable to God and it won’t buy you heaven.


The Process: Stop beating up on yourself; stop feeling sorry for yourself; stop dying softly because of your past. Release all to Jesus today and He will set you free. Let it be clear to you that there is a process you need to go through in order for a true and complete repentance and forgiveness to take place in your life. The only process of true repentance is that which takes you to Jesus the only forgiver of sins. When you commit sin and you feel remorseful, you need to confess that sin to God in the name of Jesus and ask that Jesus will forgive you. Isa. 55:7 says, “Let the wicked forsake his way, and the unrighteous man his thoughts: and let him return unto the LORD, and he will have mercy upon him; and to our God, for he will abundantly pardon.” KJV

It is unto the Lord that you need to return, not to yourself or anyone. He is the one that needs to see your soberness, not anyone. ONLY THE LORD.

You also need to make up your mind never to return to such sin any more. Merely feeling sorry for what you did does not constitute repentance which leads to forgiveness. You could be sorry. But you need to talk to Jesus about it. Had Judas asked for forgiveness from Christ, he might have been forgiven. Committing suicide will not help you. Just go to Christ and talk to Him. You will then realize that no suicide is necessary. Suicide will only add to your sin because you have no right to take anyone’s life, not to talk of your own. Instead of trying to pay God off, just humble yourself, confess your sins before Him and ask for forgiveness.  If you do not go to Christ for forgiveness, you won’t be able to forgive yourself. If you don’t forgive yourself, you will continue to live a miserable life.  So JESUS is the only way. Repentance can only be preached and received in the name of JESUS. Luke 24:47

Have you committed a grievous sin and desire to begin a new life? You can have a new life in Jesus. No need to commit suicide. Killing yourself will not solve your problem. However, going to Jesus will. Just call on Jesus to have mercy on you. He died just to save you from the power and damnation of sins. His blood is still powerful and thick enough to wipe out your sins.

You may say that Judas was destined to be destroyed. Well, please pray that you are not destined for hell. If you say what is meant to happen would happen, no matter what. I say, you better pray that what the devil means for you will never happen. Pray that God will avert destruction upon your life. It’s not worth it if your life is wasted. I am not talking theology at this time. I am concerned for your life. You don’t have to die. Come to Jesus now. He will have mercy on you and change your situation to make you fit into His will. His thought toward you is of peace, not of evil, to give you an expected end. Jer. 29:11For I know the thoughts that I think toward you, saith the LORD, thoughts of peace, and not of evil, to give you an expected end. KJV

Judas was forewarned in Mat. 26:24 that woe be unto the person who would betray Jesus, but he still went into it. I wish you pray right now that your heart will not despise the warnings of the Lord. Pray that any evil planned in order to eternally destroy you will not hold. Pray that Jesus will always warn you and help you to run from sins.  God bless you as your you receive forgiveness today.

To contact me please call 718-6588981. Don’t forget to tune in to 24/7 Internet Christian Radio by dialing 712432 9932 or visit Pastor Abraham Obadare is a minister at Christ Apostolic Church WOSEM, Queens, NY.

F.Y.I: There is a new book titled “Chosen But Naughty!” which recently -authored. I suggest that you obtain your copy and be blessed. Call 516-8605729 for purchase. Thank you

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