Wednesday, July 03, 2024
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Eagerness of God

Sleeping on the Job


By God’s grace I have benefited from partaking in a recently concluded ten (10) days conference of the World Soul-Winning Evangelistic Ministry which took place at Ilesha, Nigeria. During the grand finale ceremony, the General Overseer, Dr. Paul Obadare encouraged all people in attendance as he preached a sermon titled “A Watchman Asleep In The Storm” to wake up from being slumbering Christians. He admonished all people, especially leader, to cease from being a watchmen like Jonah of the Bible who...

Read more: Sleeping on the Job


Generational Blessings Can Begin With You


Welcome to another month of learning the truth of God’s words. Today I want to draw your attention to the story of a family of blessed people. In the book of Genesis 22:1-18, you will see a part of the dealing of God with Abraham – where we found that Abraham walked with God so faithfully that God made a lasting covenant with him by oath; a covenant of blessings that lasted many generations.As you read the highlights of the story, it is my prayer that you will learn from father Abraham and begin to walk with God in faith – to the point that the blessings of Abraham can begin with you and get passed on to your descendants because of your own faithfulness.The power (the “because”) behind or keys to generational blessings: God said in Genesis 22:16, “…“because...

Read more: Generational Blessings Can Begin With You


What Happens When I Touch Your Life?



One way or the other we all are linked together and there is no way to avoid coming in contact with people in general. The focus of this article is to examine the effects of your relationship with other people that you come across in life and see whether or not your contact with them improves their lives or makes them worse.

This article is based on the story in Ezekiel 47:1-12: Although it may seem spiritual, we will endeavor to apply it to our everyday life. Notice in the reading of this passage that the water flowing from the temple continued to increase up to an immeasurable level; then it flowed into the sea and to various living creatures which it healed and made fruitful (prosperous). As you read this article, it is my intention that God will...

Read more: What Happens When I Touch Your Life?


He Can't Leave Me

One day the disciples of Jesus were traveling in a boat with Him, but suddenly a tempest arose and continued to the point of almost capsizing the boat. They became so afraid for their lives that they felt abandoned and yelled, “Master, don’t you care if we drown?” - Mark. 4:35-39

Often when going through hardships in life, we as human beings, feel and sometime say that God has left us alone; but I am here to reassure you today that God has not left nor can He leave you.

Sometimes we say that even Jesus said, "Eloi, Eloi, lama sabachtani" - meaning My God, My God, why has thou forsaken me" - (Mark 15:34). Well, I'd like you to know that His words may have come out like that and He may have felt like that as a person in flesh, but really the Father did...

Read more: He Can't Leave Me


Regarding Temptations


Dear Reader, I have a strong feeling that the Lord Almighty is going to bless you greatly as you read this exhortation. It’s about temptation; something we all experience. Using Matthew 4:1-11 as our guide, I want to bring to your attention that Satan will go to any length and use anything possible to tempt God’s children. Most of the time he uses our needs or weakness to entrap us, but with Christ’s help we can always overcome his tricks.


  1. Food: If he could tempt Christ with food (Mt. 4:1-3), he could do so with anyone. Usually when we are hungry, we become impatient, desperate and vulnerable. He also tempted Adam with food, therefore be careful not to fall for Satan at your weak point.
  2. Position: Satan...

Read more: Regarding Temptations


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