Wednesday, July 03, 2024
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Eagerness of God

When They Stooped Low


Satan dangled Uriah’s wife, Bathsheba, before David. She was like a ripe apple, so ripe that David could not resist! Yes, David saw a naked woman bathing, desired her, committed adultery with her and finally committed murder in order to have her for himself! No matter how much of a celebrated beauty Bathsheba was, David was not supposed to covet her. Didn’t he know the law? Didn’t he meditate on the law day and night? Didn’t he swear to keep the law in his heart? Didn’t he have his own wife? I believe that David’s encounter with this woman was not entirely coincidental or...

Read more: When They Stooped Low


His Tricks


Dear Reader, I have a strong feeling that the Lord Almighty is going to bless you greatly as you read this exhortation. It’s about temptation, something we all experience. Using Matthew 4:1-11 as our guide, I want to bring to your attention that Satan will go to any length and use anything possible to tempt God’s children. Most of the time he uses our needs or weaknesses to entrap us, but with Christ’s help we can always overcome his tricks.


  1. Food: If he could tempt Christ with food (Mt. 4:1-3), he could do so with anyone. Usually when we are hungry, we become impatient, desperate and vulnerable. He also tempted Adam with food, therefore, be careful not to fall for Satan at your weak point.
  2. Position:

Read more: His Tricks


Daniel, A Foreigner Who Succeeded


I want to present to you a Bible character, Daniel, who was taken into a foreign land against his will but ended up a success. He was blessed with riches, honor and fame. Daniel was a man who came from a noble family but was among the captives of King Nebuchadnezzar, who brought him with others to Babylon when he besieged Jerusalem (Daniel 1: 1:3).


As a foreigner, held captive to serve in the king’s court (Daniel 1:6), he did not enter Babylon on a first class flight. He did not have the choice of which airline to fly or the date of travel. It is possible that you had everything in your country before coming over, but you should be thankful to God for being with you thus far in this land. Daniel did not come on his own...

Read more: Daniel, A Foreigner Who Succeeded


Too Young to Succeed


A great many people have gotten used to telling themselves that they are too young to succeed in life; this message is meant to assist such people cease from mediocrity and procrastination. I’ll begin by citing the names of some great and successful leaders in the bible in order to help you come to terms with the need to start doing something with your life now.

Joseph: He began his life’s journey to challenges and victories at age 17 (Gen. 37:1-4) and ultimately became the bread winner for his entire family. When do you think you need to begin yours?

Samuel: He went through priesthood training while very young (1 Sam. 1:24-28); and started ministering before the Lord while he was still a child (1 Sam...

Read more: Too Young to Succeed


Should I Resist or Avoid?


All of us in life at one time or the other have gotten to the crossroad of resistance and avoidance; it is our reality however that often times we do not know what to do. By the time you finish reading this article, you would know what to resist and what to avoid in Jesus name.


What is resistance?

The word ‘resist’ means to “withstand or strive against or oppose” - push / fight against something or someone.


What should I resist?

The bible says we should “…resist the devil, and he shall flee” – James 4:7

It also says we should resist the devil, our adversary, during trials and temptations – not to succumb to his roaring – and God will strengthen and settle us. – 1 Peter...

Read more: Should I Resist or Avoid?


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