Tuesday, July 02, 2024
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Inner Sight

Eagerness of god My experience has shown that Jesus has never been far away from mankind, [of course, I refer to those who have surrendered their lives to Him], contrary to what many people think. I have come to realize that Jesus is so close to us as the breadth of our nostrils but in most cases we are still looking for him as someone gasping for air when and where there is plenty of oxygen. In case you are wondering whether or not Jesus is near by you, I’d like you to think again. Let us search the scripture together and we’ll see that He has never been far from His own, but as long as one’s eyes are not opened, it is impossible to see or enjoy Him.

When your eyes are opened, fear will vacate your life: The servant of Elisha could only see the chariots of the enemies that were coming against his master, he was terrified and greatly troubled. He asked his master, “Oh, my lord, what shall we do?" This is how fear dominates one’s life as long as inner sight is not opened to see Jesus the deliverer. Thank God, Elisha told him not to be afraid and that “those who are with us are more than those who are with them.” He also prayed that, “"O LORD, open his eyes so he may see." Then the LORD opened the servant's eyes, and he looked and saw the hills full of horses and chariots of fire all around Elisha.” (2 Kings 6:15-18 NIV).

Hey! Dear Reader, your eyes need to open to behold the power and love of God surrounding you. You are not alone. Just pray that you may see. As Elisha’s enemies were struck with blindness, I declare to you in Jesus name that an exchange will take place in your life right now. It is your enemy, sickness, fear, failure, and loneliness who will become blind. They won’t be able to see you again. You are the one whose eyes must open to see Jesus.

When your eyes are opened, faith will rise up within you: On the road to Emmaus the disciples talked along hopelessly, not knowing that Jesus Himself was walking with them. Jesus was talking to them but they were busy arguing, because their faith had been dampened. I suspect that you are presently perplexed and do not believe that Jesus could possible be close to you and yet things do not seem to be working right. You have become dejected because of your loved one who just passed or left you. Please allow me to inform you that Jesus is not far from you at all. Your joy will return. Just pray to see Jesus in the midst of your present situation.

The bible says, “Then their eyes were opened and they recognized HIM, …” They later went to tell the others saying, "It is true! The Lord has risen…” (Luke 24:30-31 NIV). When your eyes are opened to see Jesus, you will no longer be sad. The joy of resurrection will fill your soul. Receive your inner sight right now in Jesus name.

When your eyes are opened to see Jesus, joy and peace will become yours: The book of John 20:19-23 declares that the disciples were together with their doors locked for fear of the Jews. But as soon as Jesus came in to reveal Himself to them, they became overjoyed and he declared unto them “Peace be with you.” Hello Reader, the only one you need to see is Jesus. May He open your eyes right now that you may begin to experience the ever-missing joy that belongs to you. Joy and Peace belong to you; your eyes just need to be opened to see Christ the giver.

When your eyes are opened, unbelief will disappear: At first, Thomas did not believe that Christ had resurrected. But when Jesus showed Himself, unbelief left Thomas and he began to declare, “My Lord and my God!” (John 20:28 NIV). Oh! I say your eyes will open in Jesus name. You will see the reality of Christ and begin to declare His faithfulness. You shall bear witness of Him; you just need to see Him first.

When your eyes are opened, vain toiling ceases: Some professional fishermen, Peter and others, were toiling all night on the sea in attempt to catch fish, but to no avail. The good news however is that when Jesus came to the seashore and said, “It is the Lord!” there eyes were opened. They saw Him and he instructed them to launch their net on the right side in other to find fish. Let me tell you, if only your eyes can be open to behold how close Christ is to you, toiling will be replaced with blessing in your life. Before Christ’s appearance, Peter and others found nothing. You, as a professional, may have been in America for so long achieving nothing, but Jesus will open your eyes to see Him right now as you read. Your life will turn around for goodness. Read John 21:1-14

When your eyes are opened, you will receive godly assignment and the backing to succeed: Many church people are not able to talk about Jesus to friends and families now because they are yet to truly see Jesus. When Jesus showed up on the mountain at Galilee, He gave His disciples the authority to go into the whole world to preach the gospel. He also assured them that He would be with them till the end of ages.  Read Mt 28:16-20. Until Peter and others received the revelation of Jesus Christ they could not do the assignment of soul winning or feeding the Lord’s sheep. Are you struggling with your spiritual life? Are you finding it difficult to focus upon Christ; to find something to do in your church; to have a sense of belonging in the body of Christ? Ask Jesus to appear to you and open your eyes in order to see Him. I tell you, He is not far from you. Your eyes will open and your calling will be made sure in Jesus name. See John 21:15-25

I think by now you agree with me that the reason you are yet to receive your breakthrough is that your eyes have not been opened to see how close Jesus is to you. I’d like you to also agree with me however that Jesus can open your inner sight right now. You can behold him now and begin to enjoy His grace. You can begin to experience freedom and peace right now. Dear Reader, Jesus is not far from you. I pray right now that all blindfolding be removed from you in the mighty name of Jesus. You must begin to see. You will begin to see.

For the next few days and nights, visit God in prayers and ask Him to reveal Jesus to you. Ask that Jesus will open your eyes and reveal Himself to you. Your prayers will be answered and your life will never remain the same. There is power in revelation. You shall no longer be cheated with blindfolding in Jesus name. Good news! Jesus is not far from you. You need Him for you life to have a meaning.

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