Wednesday, July 03, 2024
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Daniel, A Foreigner Who Succeeded

eagerness_of_godI want to present to you a Bible character, Daniel, who was taken into a foreign land against his will but ended up a success. He was blessed with riches, honor and fame. Daniel was a man who came from a noble family but was among the captives of King Nebuchadnezzar, who brought him with others to Babylon when he besieged Jerusalem (Daniel 1: 1:3).


As a foreigner, held captive to serve in the king’s court (Daniel 1:6), he did not enter Babylon on a first class flight. He did not have the choice of which airline to fly or the date of travel. It is possible that you had everything in your country before coming over, but you should be thankful to God for being with you thus far in this land. Daniel did not come on his own volition but you probably did. Even if you did not, still thank God for bringing you; God is going to see you through. Read Genesis 26:3 and Psalm 24:1 in order to get the confidence that God will supply your needs. If Daniel, a foreigner could succeed, tell yourself, “I will succeed also.”

Daniel was a Young man (Daniel 1:4) who found employment at the King’s court, together with other young captives like him. His age did not limit him from living for God, even in a foreign land. This means that it is possible to live for God as a young or old foreigner in this land. If Daniel could make it, against all odds, you can make it also.


Why did he succeed?

  • He did not refuse the training (Daniel 1:4) – 3 years of royal school that would make him the very best amongst the best. He could have come up with a wrong attitude by refusing to be taught the foreign language or trained in the culture of the land and how to handle matters in the King’s court, because of arrogance (being a prince himself from another land and having been brought against his will). But he humbled himself to receive training without complaint. Many foreigners today do not want to learn anything about the society they find themselves in, yet they want to succeed. You, who are foreigners, should not reject vigorous trainings; they are meant to make the best of you.
  • He behaved himself wisely by:

(a) Living a disciplined life in a foreign life (1:8-16). By refusing the king’s delicacies, it could be interpreted that he simply refused to blend in with the ungodly lifestyle of Babylon. Today, many foreigners forget the godly values they brought from their cultures and quickly adopt lifestyles that do not glorify God. Please note also that his refusal was not done in arrogance. He actually sought permission to eat something different and God was pleased to grant him favor. This is to say that you must use wisdom in all your actions in an attempt to keep your core Christian values, in order to avoid unnecessary oppositions and trial while you are trying to survive.

(b) Being devout in his prayer life (2:14-23) – He prayed first before taking steps concerning state affairs. Do you pray before making personal or societal decisions? Many people who used to be prayerful before arriving in a foreign land often forsake God, all in the attempt to survive. They give excuses of tight schedules etc; but one must be reminded that no success can be achieved without the help of God through His Son, Jesus Christ (John 15:5). Remember who gives you the breath and strength to make the schedules for work or anything else that keeps you busy. As a foreigner, you can succeed in this land, but you must not push God aside until you have time; there is never a time that you will be less busy. Just purpose in your heart to serve God who daily loads you with His benefits as recorded in Psalm 103.

(c) Standing firm for God (chapter 6). Yes, in a foreign land, one may face tough times when it comes to religion. I want to advise you not to allow anything to scare you from upholding the lordship of Jesus Christ over your life. Do not compromise. It may be challenging, but stand firm for Jesus and make God proud, He will protect and exonerate you as He did Daniel. At last, his God was recognized as the true One. Continue to behave wisely; as you know, to be wise is to put God first in all you do (Matthew 6:33).


God used Daniel’s gift as a stepping stone to promote him: He became special by using God’s gift of dream interpretation which he possessed (1:17, 2:14-19). Pray that God will help you identify His gift in our life; through your gift, you will be lifted.


Although a foreign captive, yet he served as  (a) Interpreter of dreams (chapter 2); (b) Interpreter of signs and wise counselor (chapter 5); (c) Seer of visions (the last 6 chapters); (d) Official of kings (Nebuchadnezzar, Belshazzar, and Darius the Mede, & possibly also of Cyrus); and (e) Prophet who was shown the vision of the last days – Matt. 24:15


In Jesus name, may you find your gift and excel in it. Because of his devotion to God, with bold and wise application of self in a foreign land, Daniel became recognized as a wise righteous and wise man (14:14, 20) & 28:3.

All I want to say to you is that, if Daniel, a foreign captive could excel and attain recognition in a foreign land, your language, origin, color, etc. cannot debar you from making it. Abraham, Joseph, Ruth and others made it in foreign lands, you too shall make it in Jesus name. What is common to them all is that they never forgot their God when they got to these foreign lands. All you need is to ensure that you do not sell your inheritance, which is your Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Do not put Him in the back seat; stand for Him and be diligent at work. You will make it.


I am Pastor Abraham Obadare, a minister of the gospel at Christ Apostolic Church of America, Inc. You are welcome to worship with us at 108-02 Sutphin Blvd., Jamaica, NY 11435. You may also keep up with us on the 24 hours internet radio at Our website address is where you can demand videos for your enrichment, watch our live streaming or read past messages / articles.

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