Wednesday, July 03, 2024
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Beware: DV Fraudsters Have Intensified their Scam Efforts



Dear Attorney,


I received an e-mail from someone from the US Department of State who saying that I won DV lottery 2012. Luckily, I had read your article (DV lottery 2012 fraud) in your vol. 4 No 60 March 1, 2011 of the USI News. Your advice helped me to recognize that it was a fraud. When I checked the link of the DV lottery, I saw that I didn't win. The email asked for my postal address so they could mail the whole letter to me.

Thank You.





In the last few days, we have received mails from various readers of the USI News thanking us for the article on DV Lottery 2012 Scam in our March 1, 2011 issue of the U.S. Immigration News. Let me warn all our readers that the DV Lottery scam artists recently intensified their crusade to defraud innocent prospective immigrants all over the world. Subsequent to the release of the DV Lottery result on July 15, 2011, these scammers are parading themselves as representatives of the U.S. Department of State. They are sending e-mails all around the world asking their victims to send money by Western Union. If you receive such an e-mail, please delete or forward it to my office. Do not sent money to anyone regarding the lottery. The results are not being sent by mail. You can only know your fate by checking with your confirmation number online on the U.S. Department of State’s website. Do not be the victim of these crooks. Beware!



The USA is Known for Justice; Keep Hope Alive



I am a Nigerian studying here in the United States. I entered for the DV 2012 Lottery and was selected for further processing for the 2012 electronic diversity visa program on May 1, 2011. As with anyone else who got selected, this started a fan of excitement in my life and family as a whole because of the financial situations we are in and the DV lottery happened to be the only way I could easily achieve my dreams here in the US. And so, because of the positive result on May 1, 2011 I had to tell my sponsor not to worry about my academic funding anymore since he was struggling financially due to certain swift unfavorable changes in his finances. But a few days later, the Kentucky Consular Center had to post a notice that the result was cancelled as you fully know about. The latest selection came out on date (Friday) and my name is not on the list. This is clear injustice and it is affecting the whole family adversely already.

When I went on your website, I felt I have to write in. I saved the copies of the selection notice/letter for both myself and my wife in case it is required. Hope to hear from you soon.




Thanks for your mail. You are not alone here. You are one of many who were devastated by the news of the cancellation of the DV Lottery visa 2012 result that was released on May 1, 2011. It was the first time in the history of the program. One thing is sure about the United States, this country treasures justice and hopefully something will be done about this. As you might have read in the last issue of the U.S. Immigration News, a class action was filed about this recently and so we are hoping that the government will respond to this matter by admitting the error and meet those affected half way. It is important that you maintain your F-1 status in order for you to remain qualified for adjustment of status in case the U.S. Department of State decides to accommodate those affected. Keep hope alive!



Your Family Member Might be Qualified for Green Card

Good afternoon Mr. Famuyide,

My name is Luana Richards, I am sending an e-mail because I recently read an article about you in the "US Immigration News". This article was in reference to a case about you winning a big case for a Panama Canal Worker's spouse. My question is; what is the first step someone must take to fall into this category, the reason for this is that I have a family
member that worked for the Panama Canal for thirteen years and is wondering if he would qualify for the use of the I-485 form. Please know that he does not live in the U.S.
I would greatly appreciate it if you would be able to give me some information so that I can assist him with this process if he qualifies. Thank you for your time.




Thanks for your mail and thank you for reading the U.S. Immigration News. It appears that your family member might be qualified to receive green card to migrate to the United States. The requirements for this special type of green card are simple. In order to qualify, the individual must have been one of the following at the time the Panama Canal Treaty of 1977 was enacted: “A resident in the Panama Canal zone who was working for the Panama Canal Company or Canal Zone Government, and worked for the Panama Canal Company or Canal Zone Government for at least 1 year OR A Panamanian national who honorably retired from the United States Government employment in the Canal Zone with a total of 15 years or more of faithful service OR An employee of the Panama Canal Company or Canal Zone Government who had performed faithful service for five or more years as an employee, and whose personal safety or the personal safety of his or her spouse or child is in danger as a direct result of the special nature of his or her employment, and was the direct result of the Treaty”. It is important that you consult with a qualified immigration attorney for further information. If you need an attorney, you may contact Attorney Famuyide at 718-647-6767.

This is a Pitfall to Adjustment of Status






I read an article and it had mentioned to contact you if any assistance is required. My name is AC, a citizen of Malawi in removal proceedings. I would like your assistance. I own a small IT Company which officially launched and started in Jan 2011, but before that I had done a lot of freelancing. Now one of the companies I had worked for is looking to hire me full time, and their offer is amazing. Unfortunately, I have no work authorization. I need to talk to you and try to figure out ways in which I can get this resolved as soon as possible. I am married to a US Citizen in another state. Due to the economic crisis, we have had a long distance relationship while I search for greener pasture. Whilst we dated, I lived in three to four different States. She does not want to move nor leave her parents. So I am in DC, and she is in Indiana, I visit so often. We are happy together and we hope this can all be over soon so we can start planning our future together. I am currently stuck in DC for two reasons: First, my company is here. Second, my immigration case is here and I am on the ISAP Program. We plan to file my adjustment of status through marriage later this month.




Thanks for visiting our website. However, I must mention that your current living arrangement is a pitfall that could hinder you from adjusting your status. You must adjust your living arrangement first. With immigration, residence in two different States for a husband and the wife is a red flag. It suggests to them that the marriage is a temporary arrangement for immigration purposes only. After 911, such an arrangement is a turn off. Such cases are denied immediately. At the moment, your U.S. citizen wife is your lifeline, you might need to move to Indiana and request that your case be transferred there. You must know that if you are deported, you will no longer be able to run your business in DC. It is important to deal with the issue of your status first before any other consideration. Thank you.

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