Wednesday, July 03, 2024
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eagerness_of_godFor generations, nations, organizations, families and individuals have been using ‘codeword’, ‘test word’ or ‘password’ in order to gain access to a need or claim membership of some sort. This is also true of the Bible age. To the Gileadites as we read in Judges 12:1-6, the word “Shibboleth” is a codeword that was used in order to differentiate between an Ephraimite and a Gileadite. In this war-time story, it is clearly shown that anyone who claimed to be a Gileadite but could not pronounce the word ‘Shibboleth’ correctly (with its H sound) was definitely not a Gileadite and was therefore killed.


A colleague of mine in year 2005, Pastor Justus Orori, was teaching in one of his sermons about what is in a name. As he spoke I recalled my experience of a recently completed journey at that time. I saw how a name could matter and how God showed me favors because of the name that I mentioned in several places. Whenever I mentioned my last name, Obadare, I received favors and pleasantries because my father is a renowned preacher of the gospel of Jesus Christ who travelled the world to bring the good news of Jesus’ salvation and healing to people; to God be the glory. I knew, however, that the name ‘Obadare’ would have meant nothing had it not been that Obadare is an ambassador of Christ. It is the Christ in Obadare that the people respected; so without Christ we are and can do nothing.


Today I want to say that for some people there is an “H” in the pronunciation and for some people the “H” is missing. But the above bible story of the Gileadites indicates that death waited for anyone in whose pronunciation the “H” was missing.


Dear Reader, please be informed that if your “H” is missing when you get to the camp of your adversaries, death is the result. If you have your “H” in place, you will live. What is the missing “H”? It is the HOLY SPIRIT. The Holy Spirit is the necessary codeword for your survival. You need to be full of him wherever you are; He is the completion of your life. The Holy Spirit is the spirit of Jesus – the spirit of wisdom, knowledge, understanding, counsel, might and fear of God (Isa. 11:2). Without this spirit, we are not His (Rom 8:9-17) i.e., without the Holy Spirit we are not Christians.


Holy Spirit is the language and power that the devil and his cohorts cannot understand or withstand. When He is at work, your enemies will bow and be rendered useless before you. Saul and his messengers chasing David became powerless because of the presence of the Holy Spirit (1 Sam 19:8-24).


Holy Spirit is the power and codeword you need in order to survive; have you received the Holy Spirit? With Him, you are able to enter any territory and go through situations in life and still come out victorious.


For the Ephraimites the H sound was necessary but they didn’t have it, so they were killed when they got to enemy territory. As many as have the (H) Holy Spirit, they are the children of God (Rom. 8:14); He is the one who bears witness that you are a child of God, just as the H sound in the word ‘Shibboleth’ was the indicator that a person was a Gileadite as opposed to an Ephraimite.


Since the Ephraimites did not have the codeword or the right pronunciation, they were defeated; but I pray for you today that you will recover from every defeat you have suffered because of the absence of the Holy Spirit in Jesus name. God will give you the language and spiritual stamina that will help confuse all destroyers of destiny in your life in Jesus name - (Ps. 64:5-10). 


Holy Spirit is the only one who understands the mind of God for your situation (Rm 8:26-27). If you are trying to cross over from fear into boldness or from weakness into strength, Holy Spirit is the H that you need. In order to pass as a child of God, Holy Spirit is the H you need.


It was upon the wings of the Holy Spirit that Philip glided to get to the Eunuch (Acts 8:39); you will need to glide upon the wings of the Holy Spirit if you will ever do exploits for the Lord or profit mankind in any godly way. It is the Holy Spirit that will keep you alert for the trumpet sound when Christ returns to take His elect. You need the Holy Spirit.


From now on, I’d like you to focus your prayers on receiving the Holy Spirit. He will strengthen and turn you to another person whom God will be proud of. When you are having a difficult time overcoming the works of the flesh, the Holy Spirit will assist you. You need Him.


Please note that whosoever has the power of the Holy Spirit has the kingdom and whosoever has the kingdom is the one who rules. Therefore, if you want to remain victorious in life and live a life that is pleasing to God, you must receive the power of the Holy Spirit. Without power you cannot do anything.


Say these prayers:

  1. Praise God for His Holy Spirit made available to you.
  2. Confess those works of the flesh that still war in your mind.
  3. Ask that the Lord will breath upon you to receive the Holy Spirit (Jn. 20:22)
  4. Pray that the Holy Spirit will deliver you from all satanic pollution of mind and spirit, so you can become whom God intends.
  5. All attitudes of the “the spirit willeth but the flesh is weak” should be removed from you.
  6. Holy Spirit, come and help me to please God, I’m tired of trying on my own.
  7. Pray that the Holy Spirit will never depart from you (as David prayed in Ps. 51).



The writer of this article is Pastor Abraham Obadare, a minister of the gospel at Christ Apostolic Church of America, Inc. and an author of “Chosen But Naughty.” You are welcome to worship with him at 108-02 Sutphin Blvd., Jamaica, NY 11435. You may also enjoy 24 hours internet Christian radio at  Our website address is where you can demand videos for your enrichment, watch our live streaming or read past messages / articles.

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