Tuesday, July 02, 2024
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Immigrant Affairs

Ask Lisa Anne- September 17

ask lisa anne


I am a 6th grade teacher and I have a concern.  Some of my students approach me to 

      hug me and to receive hugs.  My students are from low income families and have

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He Can't Leave Me


One day the disciples of Jesus were traveling in a boat with Him, but suddenly a tempest arose and continued to the point of almost capsizing the boat. They became so afraid for their lives that they felt abandoned and yelled, “Master, don’t you care if we drown?” - Mark. 4:35-39

Often when going through hardships in life, we as human beings, feel and sometime say that God has left us alone; but I am here to reassure you today that God has not left nor can He leave you.

Sometimes we say that even Jesus...

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Ask Lisa Anne - NOV 2016

ask lisa anne

Q.  My son has just entered 4th grade and he complains every day that he doesn’t like his new teacher. At first, I thought he would adjust but now he seems to be very upset every day. I don’t know what to do. Any suggestions?

A.  I know every parent’s instinct is to march up to school and confront the teacher and make no mistake, sometimes it is the teacher. However, you should probably do some more probing before going to school.  Children can’t always find the words to explain exactly what is making them uncomfortable.  Is this teacher a no nonsense personality?  Is she stricter than any of his previous teachers? Does she require way more work? Is he finding 4th grade work challenging? Is there more homework?  Is he...

Read more: Ask Lisa Anne - NOV 2016


Women Inventors: Breaking New Grounds…………….

women affairs

The Apostle Paul stated the need for excellence in the use of spiritual gifts in the book of 1 Corinthians 14:12 saying, ‘for as much as you are zealous of spiritual gifts, seek that ye may excel to the edifying of the Church” The purpose of every gift is to build up yourself and others, be it in the Church or in the secular world.  Every life must have a purpose. I hear people say many times that, “I am just hanging in there” and I usually respond that you cannot be hanging if your faith is on the Lord of the Universe. His desire is for us to stand! This means that when we are grounded in the word of God, all our faculties will be tuned in to receive divine...

Read more: Women Inventors: Breaking New Grounds…………….


Inner Sight

Eagerness of god

My experience has shown that Jesus has never been far away from mankind, [of course, I refer to those who have surrendered their lives to Him], contrary to what many people think. I have come to realize that Jesus is so close to us as the breadth of our nostrils but in most cases we are still looking for him as someone gasping for air when and where there is plenty of oxygen. In case you are wondering whether or not Jesus is near by you, I’d like you to think again. Let us search the scripture together and we’ll see that He has never been far from His own, but as long as one’s eyes are not opened, it is impossible to see or enjoy Him.

When your eyes are opened, fear will vacate your life: The servant of Elisha could only see the chariots of the...

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