Wednesday, July 03, 2024
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Immigrant Affairs

Is Your Wedding Ring Troubled? ‘Respect & Unconditional Love for your Husband can Save it’


Recently I watched my husband as he dressed up in the morning and the last thing he usually does is put on his wristwatch and his wedding ring which rest on the same spot on the dresser every night. A thought came to me that, to some people, wearing the wedding ring could just be a habit, something that they have come to do without thinking. Has wearing your wedding ring become a habit instead of a symbol of your love and commitment?

Read more: Is Your Wedding Ring Troubled? ‘Respect & Unconditional Love for your Husband can Save it’




Drug Dealers in Schools?

Q.  My sister just found out that her son has been using drugs.  His school caught him

      with marijuana and cocaine in his bag.  Needless to say, my sister is distraught. He

      has admitted that he first tried drugs from another student who sells drugs in his high

      school. How can parents protect their children from drug dealers in school?  How

      many teens use drugs?


A.  You have triggered a discussion that I will answer in three parts.  First the

       incidence of drugs use...

Read more: ASK LISA-ANNE August 14




How Much Exercise Should Children Get Daily?

Q.  My two grandchildren are mildly overweight.  Their pediatrician recommended more physical activity and less sugar.  I watch them every day after school and some weekends and want to help. How much exercise should children get daily?


Read more: ASK LISA-ANNE July 14


Your In-laws are not Your Enemies! ……A case for family unity


There is a phenomenon that is so common in marriages that some have unconsciously accepted it as normal. It has come to be expected that a wife will mistreat her husband’s siblings and mother-in-law especially, and vice versa. All other extended family members also are treated by the wife mostly as intruders, while the in-laws see her as the obstacle to them getting any help from their brother, uncle etc. Before you crucify me for saying this, I know, believe and hold on to the word of God that says, “A man will leave his father and mother and cleave to his wife, and the two of them shall become one.” One, I believe in everything pertaining to their lives...

Read more: Your In-laws are not Your Enemies! ……A case for family unity


The Process

true repentance

Judas Iscariot, the man who betrayed Jesus Christ, was a human being just like you and me. He lived in the physical body just like us. He lived a life that ended in shame and hell but I pray that neither you nor I will head that way. I’d like you to think about the decision Judas made after his error; He was convinced that he needed to go through a repentance process but he went through a wrong one.

What did Judas do? He committed a sin – the sin of betrayal. He betrayed the Savior Jesus.

Have you ever committed the same eternally fatal error? Yes! Many times over.Each time you commit any unrighteousness, the Bible says, you have sinned.

Read more: The Process


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