Wednesday, July 03, 2024
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Immigrant Affairs

An Appeal to Men – Resolve to have a Health Check-Up in the New Year


Mr. Doe is a well-paid, hardworking, up-and-about man in his forties. He has been ‘healthy’ for as long as he can remember except for body aches once in a while which he attributes to hard work. He has a good health insurance plan but does not see the need to see a doctor because he feels fine. He developed some pain in one of his joints for some months but was unable to take time off his busy schedule. He stumbled on one of our articles in the US Immigration Newspaper and decided to check out the painful joint which had begun affecting the way he walked. He passionately requested...

Read more: An Appeal to Men – Resolve to have a Health Check-Up in the New Year


What Will the New Year Bring?


2012 is here and all around the world we are living in some of the best and worst of times.  Undoubtedly, we look towards the New Year with trepidation. The economic dip brings with it a lot uncertainty and anxiety. Many have lost their jobs and many more will lose their jobs in 2012. Many have lost their homes in the infamous mortgage meltdown. The economic security that many immigrants came to America in search of is no longer accessible.  Experts foresee that 2012 will not be a bearer of good tidings for many families in America.

In the midst of all of these gloomy forecasts we must pause to put things into their proper perspectives. The most important focal point that we all need to remember is that material things will come and go but what really matters is...

Read more: What Will the New Year Bring?


Don’t Get Cheated This Year


Many Christians have never been nor will ever be truly happy in their lives because Satan uses the cheapest opportunity he gets to cheat and rob them of their goodies. He prevents prayers from being answered by using the loopholes in our attitude of ingratitude against us. The devil is able to oppress and prevent the flow of God’s blessings from reaching you by capitalizing on your weakness of ingratitude. God inhabits the praises of His people, but as long as His people do not praise Him, it affords the devil the possibility to sit on their blessings. Do not be cheated anymore; start giving praise to God.



It is a pity to report that most Christians are ingrates. We fail to appreciate God for His goodness. We wait till a big thing...

Read more: Don’t Get Cheated This Year


You Cannot Petition for your Grandmother



Hello my name is T.  I have a question in regards to filing a lawful permanent resident petition.  I am a U.S citizen who wants to file for my grandmother.  She has been living in the U.S for over 10 years and came on a visa and hasn’t received her green card yet.  I will like to know if it is possible for me to file for her since I am a U.S citizen.  My mother is a lawful permanent resident in the U.S with her green card but she doesn’t know if she can file for her since she isn’t a U.S citizen.  My father is my grandmother’s son-in-law and he is a U.S citizen.  Can either parent or myself file for my grandmother?  What can we do at this moment to help my grandmother become a permanent resident?  Thank you for your time and consideration.

Read more: You Cannot Petition for your Grandmother


Reflections at Christmas A peep into a Woman’s Heart


Mary, the mother of our Lord Jesus’ Christ is someone that every woman needs to emulate in character. This season in the life of everyone, Christians and non-Christians alike is a time when we need to examine our lives and determine again the purpose for our existence. Mary from an early age was focused so much so that her purity activated the power of God in her life. In the gospel of Luke Chapter 1 verse 28, the angel of the Lord visited her and said, “Hail, thou that art highly favored, the Lord is with thee. Blessed art thou among women.” The bible lets us know that Mary did not answer with pride as someone who rates herself as deserving of any special recognition. She was reported as being troubled by the saying. This shows her humility. She was willing to do anything as...

Read more: Reflections at Christmas A peep into a Woman’s Heart


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