Wednesday, July 03, 2024
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No One Understood Me

No One Understood Me

eagernessˍofˍgod.jpgThis is the story of my life: I am a woman who, due to life’s circumstances became one of two wives married to the same husband. There was nothing exciting about me because I could not conceive to bring forth a child into the world. Although God has ordained that women should bring forth fruits, multiply and replenish the earth, I guess my womb refused to honor this command. No, it’s the Lord who had shut my womb. I hated myself for not being able to bear fruit, knowing that if I became fruitful, I would be fulfilling God’s program for the world and my husband and I would be happy. The other woman, married to my husband, had as many children as she wanted, but I was somehow prevented from rejoicing in the area of child bearing. My mother gave birth to me but my portion refused to give birth to someone.

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