Wednesday, July 03, 2024
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In-laws Are Not Your Enemies!

In-laws Are Not Your Enemies!

“Every wise woman buildeth her house; but the foolish pluck it down with her hands” Your in-laws are not your enemies! This is a notion that must be corrected in marriage relationships to make for a better atmosphere in the home. Every wife is an in-law to someone too and so she must realize that the way that you treat someone may come back to hunt you. In the Nigerian culture, as in many cultures around the world, you are trained to believe that when you get married, you become a full member of your husband’s family. In other words you are adopted into that family and you assume their name. Many assume these names with pride while others hold on to their paternal names probably because they believe that they may lose their identity because of high achievements or deep love for their natural family. Some, therefore, turn the two into a compound name. Whatever way you choose to use your names after marriage, the most important thing is to embrace your new family fully.

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