Wednesday, July 03, 2024
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Immigrant Affairs



Dangers of Campus Rape!


Q.  My daughter told me recently that her roommate was almost raped while

on a date on their college campus.  Her roommate didn’t know this boy well,

so she decided to have their first date on campus.  After a few hours, he asked

her to come to his apartment to see something.  He had been so nice, she didn’t

think it would be a problem.  Once there, he demanded sex and when she refused,

he tried to force her.  Luckily, she was able to get away and run to her dorm...

Read more: ASK LISA-ANNE Feb11


Recipe for Long life, Riches and Honor



Everybody in life searches for the recipe to use in order to live long while enjoying riches and honor at the same time. Just like you, I am one of such people. Thank God, we need to search no further. I have the recipe now and I am glad to share it with you in this write-up.

The recipe is in the book on your shelf. Yes, in the book. “Which book?” The BIBLE on your shelf, in your hands or pocket book, under your pillow, in your vehicle and where else you keep it.

Open your bible to Proverbs 3:13-20 and you’ll see the recipe for long life, riches and honor spelt out right there.

It reads thus: “Joyful is the person who finds wisdom, the one who gains understanding; For wisdom is more profitable than silver, and her wages are better than...

Read more: Recipe for Long life, Riches and Honor


Your 2011 Network for Success: Who’s Got Your Back?

family matters


Perhaps you have heard the popular references to the “self-made man or woman”. These are individuals who have s omehow single-handedly managed to achieve ultimate success. In fact, the famous phrase, “to pull one self up by ones own bootstraps” alludes to not only self-made success but also a solitary one.  Have you considered that...

Read more: Your 2011 Network for Success: Who’s Got Your Back?


You Need A Change of Law to Get Green Card, Be Hopeful

ask lawyer 2


Dear Sir,

I arrived in the US on an F1 visa in January 2000, at age 30.  In 2004, I dropped out of school because my funds for tuition ran out.  That same year 2004, my mom filed I-130 for me while she was a green card holder.   It was approved. The priority date is April 2005. My mom is still a Green card holder (not a citizen). Can you help me to get approved for Green Card due to the fact that I have fallen out of status already?  My mom put me on the street in 2009, and I now reside in the shelter system.  I...

Read more: You Need A Change of Law to Get Green Card, Be Hopeful


New Year Resolutions: Keeping Them Real


Another time of the year when people try to think about their previous actions and words with a view to making necessary changes for better life style, or for better control of future repetition of certain evils in their life. As far as many great thinkers are concerned, the most important thing about the ritual New Year resolution is that it provides a point in time when collective thoughts and self evaluations are made real. For once, many stop the rat race and think about life, human behaviors, society and continuity. No matter how unrealistic yearly resolutions seem to look, they actually make some people think genuinely. Many do follow up on some of the changes they resolve to make. Even those who fall by the way side at least started the journey to change. The willingness to...

Read more: New Year Resolutions: Keeping Them Real


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