Wednesday, July 03, 2024
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Immigrant Affairs


Many people go to the doctor with complaints about red eye. Red eye requires immediate medical attention so as to differentiate between causes that may threaten the vision. Red eye may also be a manifestation of a disease affecting the whole body.

Read more: RED EYE


Upon Their Shoulders

On November 14, I received the sad news that my maternal grandmother had passed way. She died 4 days before her eighty-seventh birthday. There is an African proverb that says, “The death of an elderly (wo)man is like burning a  library.”  When our elders die they take with them the history of our lineage. Sad to say this is oftentimes a history that has not been passed down from one generation to the next. In many instances we have failed to take the time to learn about our identity by listening to their stories. Our elders often do not share or stop sharing their stories because we are not interested. We are too busy chasing after new things in our lives. What we have failed to realize is that the stories of our elders make up the fiber of who we are. Their struggles and...

Read more: Upon Their Shoulders


Reflections at Christmas - A peep into a Woman’s Heart

Mary the mother of our Lord Jesus’ Christ is someone that every woman needs to emulate in character and in deeds. This season in the life of everyone, Christians and non-Christians alike is a time when we need to examine our life and determine again the purpose for our existence. Mary from an early age was focused so much so that her purity activated the power of God in her life. In the gospel of Luke Chapter 1 verse 28, the angel of the Lord visited her and said, “Hail, thou that art highly favored, the Lord is with thee. Blessed art thou among women.” The bible lets us know that Mary did not answer with pride as someone who rates herself as deserving of any...

Read more: Reflections at Christmas - A peep into a Woman’s Heart


Full of Mildew

Here is another commandment that further reveals the love of God. Yes, the law, “Thou shall not steal”, it’s not meant to prevent surplus or provision, it is meant to protect your property and mine from being taken by someone else. God loves us so much that He prohibits anyone from taking what belongs to us and likewise we should not take what belongs to others. See, the law of God is not burdensome and if we say we love Him, we must obey this law.

You see, anyone who takes what does not belong to him or her is called a thief and God has placed a 30 X 15 feet curse on thieves and there is no way out of the wrath of the curse unless one repents from stealing. The tallest among us is probably about 7 feet tall and maybe 2 to 3 feet fat or wide. Can you imagine how a 7...

Read more: Full of Mildew


ASK LISA-ANNE November 14


Q.  I have two children in elementary school that used to be straight A students and are now struggling with the new Common Core curriculum.  They are getting it but it is difficult for them and it takes them longer to understand.  They are in 2nd grade and 4th grade.  Can you shed some light on what they are expected to know for these grades?  Dawn Ellis

A.   Thanks for the question Dawn.  Yes, the Common Core curriculum that was rolled out last year has been a challenge to even the best students and their...

Read more: ASK LISA-ANNE November 14


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