Wednesday, July 03, 2024
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Immigrant Affairs

ASK LISA-ANNE September 11


Q. I am a high school teacher and I know that many of my students drink alcohol. I’ve spoken to them about it and they don’t seem to be concerned as long as they don’t drink and drive. I’ve even heard them say that their parents know about it. Can you alert teens and parents to the dangers of alcohol?


A. Yes, it is amazing that we have so much information about the damage alcohol does yet our teens continue to drink it. The teen years are challenging ones because teens think that they are t, they have little life experience, and they think that...

Read more: ASK LISA-ANNE September 11


Marriage to U.S. Citizen will give you Green Card in 4 months.





This is regarding my Employment Authorization Card.  It expired a few years ago and I never renewed it. I recently got married to a Green Card holder who has applied for Citizenship early this year.  My spouse's case is still pending with the USCIS.  Also we have a 4 month year old daughter who was born in the US last year.  My question is:  I don't know whether to renew my work permit and then apply through my wife for a Green Card or just apply directly through my wife for a Green Card without renewing my work permit.  It would be of uttermost importance that I will be able to make travel arrangements, especially abroad, in the not so distant future.  Please advise if you can help me in this type of situation.  Thank you very much...

Read more: Marriage to U.S. Citizen will give you Green Card in 4 months.


Daniel, A Foreigner Who Succeeded


I want to present to you a Bible character, Daniel, who was taken into a foreign land against his will but ended up a success. He was blessed with riches, honor and fame. Daniel was a man who came from a noble family but was among the captives of King Nebuchadnezzar, who brought him with others to Babylon when he besieged Jerusalem (Daniel 1: 1:3).


As a foreigner, held captive to serve in the king’s court (Daniel 1:6), he did not enter Babylon on a first class flight. He did not have the choice of which airline to fly or the date of travel. It is possible that you had everything in your country before coming over, but you should be thankful to God for being with you thus far in this land. Daniel did not come on his own...

Read more: Daniel, A Foreigner Who Succeeded


Part 1: Emotional Cleansing: Why We Need it and Where to Start


There is a lot of talk today about the benefits of internal cleansing. Science is now advocating, what our ancestors knew and practiced a long time ago, that the body needs to be relieved of toxins. Practicing liver and digestive cleanses have become popular because those of us who have tried them realize that our bodies feel and function much better after doing them. Cleanses become a sort of upgrade to our physical system. Yet, very few of us have invested any time or money to learn and carry out emotional cleanses. The truth is that we all need an emotional cleansing from time to time. Some of us have carried the weight of emotional toxicity for very long periods in our lives and thus need to take time off for emotional cleansing.

First, we must reflect and take inventory of...

Read more: Part 1: Emotional Cleansing: Why We Need it and Where to Start


Break Off That Emotional Affair!


I read an article in a Women’s magazine recently and it steered my mind to examine the issue of women who get entangled in what is termed an emotional affair. This is a situation that begins very subtly and if care is not taken, can consume the person and destroy a perfectly normal marriage relationship.  I say normal concerning marriage because relationships go through many stages, extremely passionate love, the plateau stage where there is an even flow and everything is normal and stable, and then there are times when it seems like each one is preoccupied with their own life’s schedules and seem more than anything to be moving in different directions emotionally, socially etc.

An emotional affair is when you get attached to someone other than your husband emotionally so...

Read more: Break Off That Emotional Affair!


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