Wednesday, July 03, 2024
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Immigrant Affairs



Is Homeschooling a Good Option?

 Q. Our daughter has a mild learning disability.  We are not sure she is getting all she needs at school and are considering homeschooling as an option for her.  What do you think?

A.  With every education option there are pros and cons. It depends on who you ask. What seems common between the two opposing views is that parents who home school need to be organized, creative, diligent, well read, have high energy and be hands on motivators for their children. By definition, homeschooling is an education option...

Read more: ASK LISA-ANNE July 2013


I Am Born to Rule and Reign!


A young girl in our Church wrote in a greeting card that was given to me by a group of Church members years ago saying, “You taught me boldness” The message pleased me because I had observed that she had emerge from a timid teenager who always sat by herself in a corner, and was too shy to stand before a crowd to a vibrant young woman. She must have realized that she lacked something essential, because she realized its presence when she got it, therefore acknowledging its addition to the strength of her character. Her self-esteem was enhanced by watching a role model. Fear and uncertainty disappeared.

Self-esteem is two dimensional, high or low. If your self-esteem is high, that's great, but if it's low I would like to help you pump up the volume! What is self-esteem? It is...

Read more: I Am Born to Rule and Reign!




Sudden death in simple terms is death that occurs unexpectedly. In the first article on this topic, we focused on coronary heart disease (CHD) as a major cause of sudden death.  Still utilizing case scenarios, further attempts will be made to bring to light more causes of sudden death.

Case 1: John is a well built man in his early fifties. His health had been pretty good. He noticed that sometimes he feels his heart ‘racing’ for a short while and then it corrects itself. He assumed that it was the coffee he liked to drink that caused it, so he stopped. The problem did not completely resolve itself despite him giving up drinking coffee.  On some of the occasions, that he experienced the racing heart, he felt somewhat funny, but was unable to really explain...



Sleeping on the Job


By God’s grace I have benefited from partaking in a recently concluded ten (10) days conference of the World Soul-Winning Evangelistic Ministry which took place at Ilesha, Nigeria. During the grand finale ceremony, the General Overseer, Dr. Paul Obadare encouraged all people in attendance as he preached a sermon titled “A Watchman Asleep In The Storm” to wake up from being slumbering Christians. He admonished all people, especially leader, to cease from being a watchmen like Jonah of the Bible who was sleeping in the storm. I wish to share this message with you so that you too may examine your status in Christ, whether you are active in soul-winning or sleeping on the job.

In the biblical...

Read more: Sleeping on the Job


Keeping Productive in Mean and Crazy Workplaces


A lot of our emotional tension and feelings of discontent can stem from stressful working environments. Too many employees can identify with feeling unfulfilled, underpaid, overworked, and very unappreciated at their jobs. For many the initially promising career has become just a job. Not only is a lack of passion of the culprit, but also having to deal with so many other job-related matters can be the cause of our discontent.  Many employees testify to laboring in emotionally unhealthy environments filled with mean colleagues, overbearing bosses, impossible workloads, and unfair work policies.  While this may seem like the typical description of many working environments there are emotional backlashes. We may take home the residues of our stressful...

Read more: Keeping Productive in Mean and Crazy Workplaces


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