Wednesday, July 03, 2024
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Immigrant Affairs



Q. My nephew is in the 2nd grade and his parents think his reading skills are adequate.  I think he is reading below grade level when I compare him to my son but I’m not a teacher and I don’t know what his reading skills should be for 2nd grade.  Can you get that information for me?


A. Sure!  In the lower grades (Pre-K to 2nd grade) kids develop skills at different stages.  Around 3rd grade academic skills begin to level evenly.  Since learning to read is a long and complex process, some students hit...

Read more: ASK LISA-ANNE April




Chest pain can be caused by discomfort from all the structures that are found in the chest. From deeper structures that cannot be seen on the outside such as the heart, lungs, big blood vessels to superficial parts such as the muscles, bones, and skin. The way the pain is perceived may overlap, making it more challenging at times to immediately locate the cause of the pain. This is why the cause of chest pain is interpreted with consideration of the location of pain, the character (what the pain feels like), presence of any additional symptoms/feeling, and the baseline health and health risk of the person. Chest pain is one of the symptoms that should never be taken lightly, because it can lead to death quickly if the heart or another major organ in the body is involved. Always have...

Read more: CHEST PAIN


When Your Children don’t Show You Love


I was speaking to a woman recently who told me that since this year began, she has only spoken to her son once. The son lives in a different country and seems to be doing well. It is not that she does not want to call him, but that she cannot reach him. He calls her only when he needs something from her or wants her to run an errand for him. Does that sound familiar?  A child like this cannot know when the mother is happy or sad or simply desries to hear the sound of her child’s voice.

The bond of love that exists between a mother and her child is so strong that some mothers would literarily die or give up what they have for their children. What happens to make a child so disconnected from the mother that they do not care and the woman is left to feel like she is childless...

Read more: When Your Children don’t Show You Love


The Herod of your life


From the story we read in Matthew 2:1-13 we see that our Lord Jesus Christ had a Herod in His life.

I want to depict Herod as a type of

1.      Influential persons (people who could actually affect one’s life, either by way of position or proximity – Herod was in the position where he could order a person killed.

2.      A person who pretend to love you or be your friend but is actually seeking for your destruction. These are deceitful and pretending people; Herod pretended as if he wanted to worship Jesus.

3.      Persons who are close to us and know our strategies and lifestyles – (Joab) 2 Sam. 3:22-30

4.      People who are life wasters; even though you are trying to help them. Herod did not mind killing the...

Read more: The Herod of your life


Ask Lisa-Anne March 11


Do your children have low self esteem?


Q. The psychologist at my daughter’s school sent home a consent form requesting

permission to begin counseling services. He feels that my daughter’s academic

struggles are due to poor self esteem.  She doesn’t appear depressed to me and she is

only 13 years old.  Do you think she could be suffering from low self esteem?


A.   Since I haven’t met or interacted with your daughter, it would be difficult to say yes

or no.  I can tell you that young girls today, starting as young as 8 years old, struggle

with body image and low self esteem at an all time high in recent years.  They can’t

escape the ‘ideal body’ image that...

Read more: Ask Lisa-Anne March 11


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