Wednesday, July 03, 2024
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Immigrant Affairs

The Herod of your life


Dear Reader, in case you feel that you have a Herod in your life, I would like to share this message with you. It is taken from the story we read in Matthew 2:1-13; then you’ll see that our Lord Jesus Christ also had a Herod in His life.

I want to depict Herod as a type of

  1. Influential persons (people who could actually affect one’s life, either by way of position or proximity – Herod was in the position where he could order a person killed.
  2. Persons who pretend to love you or be your friend...

Read more: The Herod of your life


Ask Lisa-Anne May 11

Q. Last summer my son was stung by a bee that led to swelling and a horrible allergic reaction. I’m afraid that the same thing will happen this year but I can’t lock him up in the house all summer. Do you have any suggestions?


A. As the weather gets warmer we will encounter many insects. Here are some to keep away from!   Many bugs give us reason for pause, including poisonous spiders, chiggers, bees and lice. But few get under our skin – quite literally – like the tick.



Be careful of ticks — they can cling to you as you brush past grass and plants. Ticks don't always carry diseases, and...

Read more: Ask Lisa-Anne May 11


Go Forward! A command to beloved Sisters….


I was reading through an article on the internet about the UK tour of President Barak Obama and his wife Michelle recently and saw something that stirred my mind. The first lady paid a visit to a girl’s school in London and was asked what they teach to their two children Sasha and Malia to help them achieve their goals. She replied, “Read, write, read, read” She went on to tell them that one of the reasons why President Obama is a good communicator is because he is a good writer and a voracious reader. First lady Michelle told the girls; “read, read, read” She encouraged them to write, saying that practice makes one better. The other advice that the first lady gave to the girls on relationship with spouses and with one another in her own words is: “Do not bring people into...

Read more: Go Forward! A command to beloved Sisters….


Go Forward! A command to beloved Sisters….


I was reading through an article on the internet about the UK tour of President Barak Obama and his wife Michelle recently and saw something that stirred my mind. The first lady paid a visit to a girl’s school in London and was asked what they teach to their two children Sasha and Malia to help them achieve their goals. She replied, “Read, write, read, read” She went on to tell them that one of the reasons why President Obama is a good communicator is because he is a good writer and a voracious reader. First lady Michelle told the girls; “read, read, read” She encouraged them to write, saying that practice makes one better. The other advice that the first lady gave to the girls on relationship with spouses and with one another in her own words is: “Do not bring people into...

Read more: Go Forward! A command to beloved Sisters….


Go Forward! A command to beloved Sisters….


I was reading through an article on the internet about the UK tour of President Barak Obama and his wife Michelle recently and saw something that stirred my mind. The first lady paid a visit to a girl’s school in London and was asked what they teach to their two children Sasha and Malia to help them achieve their goals. She replied, “Read, write, read, read” She went on to tell them that one of the reasons why President Obama is a good communicator is because he is a good writer and a voracious reader. First lady Michelle told the girls; “read, read, read” She encouraged them to write, saying that practice makes one better. The other advice that the first lady gave to the girls on relationship with spouses and with one another in her own words is: “Do not bring people into...

Read more: Go Forward! A command to beloved Sisters….


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