Wednesday, July 03, 2024
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Immigrant Affairs



Should boys and girls attend same gender schools?


To answer this question we must first examine whether boys and girls learn differently?

According to experts at the website, gender differences become apparent at an early age and can be seen in the different ways girls and boys play and learn. In a first-grade classroom, it's not unusual to find the girls working quietly at their desks or cooperatively in small groups as the boys toss paper wads through the air, make silly faces at each other across the room, or seem bored...





The Bible says, “The life of flesh is in the blood …” – Lev.  17:11

This means there is no life without blood. This is easily understood in that, as we know it, if anyone is in a situation where there is too much loss of blood, the person may die - “because life is in the blood”.

When a person suffers from blood disorder, he or she may require frequent blood transfusion in order to prevent death; and soon as the person receives the needed blood, they are good to go – “because life is in the blood”.

Human blood has life in it because of its component: Red cells, White cells, platelets and plasma.

  1. Red blood cells help carry oxygen from the lungs to the rest of the body tissues and...

Read more: THE BLOOD


Married…………………. But Single (Part 2)


Marriage is one of the most interesting topics to a great majority of people. The reason for this is not farfetched. Marriage is centered on emotions which many times are sporadically good, lukewarm or just plain bad. In the last issue we discussed how insensitivity in the way that a spouse lives his / her life can affect the well being of the marriage. For instance, work schedules, hobbies, friends and family or ministry commitment can affect the health of a marriage negatively if all the activities are not properly balanced. Sometimes, this happens unintentionally or in some cases, consciously because of unresolved issues. In any case, one person or both parties always end up feeling very alone. God’s design for marriage is that the man should leave his parents and cleave...

Read more: Married…………………. But Single (Part 2)




Do School Uniforms Make a Difference in Academic Performance?

Q. My niece attends a charter school and they wear uniforms.  My sister thinks that wearing uniforms helps improve academics in schools.  Is this true?


A. Well, it depends on whom you ask.  If you ask people who went to Catholic or other religious schools, other private schools or who went to school outside of the USA where everyone wore uniforms; they would tell you yes!  Those who never wore uniforms may take another view on the subject!  Researchers are divided over how much of an impact - if any - dress policies have upon student learning. A 2004 book makes the case that uniforms do not improve school safety or academic discipline. A 2005 study, on the...

Read more: ASK LISA-ANNE Feb 12


WOMAN TO WOMAN – Come out and Shine!


I watched on T.V the other day the case of a woman with a Phd whose daughter had brought her for a make-over of herself and her home. The cameras went into her home to show the different areas of the house. She had items like towels, underwear, wedding gifts, personal purchases and very old furniture she’s been holding on to for 30years or thereabouts. She acknowledged how difficult it is for her to part with any of these objects. Infact, she said towels are better when they become thin because they absorb water better! She presented a dishwashing sponge she has been using for well over a year now.

Merely looking at the quantity of junk in her house reminds me of many women that are in the same situation. They are as beautiful as glass on the outside but if you dare go...

Read more: WOMAN TO WOMAN – Come out and Shine!


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