Tuesday, July 02, 2024
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Petition For Your Family Members Now, Tomorrow Might Be Too Late As Congress Plans To Limit Family-Based Migration

petition for your family

With the current wave of anti-immigrant rhetoric’s, the Trump administration will try to change the U.S. Immigration laws to prevent many groups of immigrants from migrating to the United States. All immigrants must take advantage of the existing laws to petition for their loved ones before it is too late.

President Trump’s style of leadership is to seek to please his base voters without minding the damage such move will do to the economy of the United States. It has always been the wish of his base voters to...

Read more: Petition For Your Family Members Now, Tomorrow Might Be Too Late As Congress Plans To Limit Family-Based Migration


In Defense of The Immigrant's Wife


One of the prevalent problems in most third war countries and in fact, all the developing economies of the world is unemployment. Young men and women who should be earning a living cannot secure employment, not for lack of requisite skill, educational or professional qualification but because their economies cannot afford them a job that will put a roof on their heads, food on their tables and even the cheapest clothes on their bodies. Those who are lucky to get a job cannot earn enough to cater for their basic needs. It is only few well connected individuals that get the scarcely available good jobs. This problem propels a...

Read more: In Defense of The Immigrant's Wife


Keys to fulfilment – Courage

We started the series on keys to fulfilment in the last issue by discussing one of the important keys to gaining fulfilment in life ‘making right choice(s)’. I mentioned that we are largely products of the choices we make and that people make bad choices due to ignorance and as a result of pursuing what they want rather than what they need. Long lasting fulfilment only comes from making the right choices and working towards meeting inherent needs as opposed to satisfying every whim. People, who always do what they want rather than what they need to do, rarely get to experience fulfilment in the true sense of the word. I am aware of the fact that there are people who are...

Read more: Keys to fulfilment – Courage



freestlye ke

One major quest the universe has set every man to pursue as a lifelong preoccupation is the seeking of fulfilment. Besides the actions and reactions attributable to survival instinct, our efforts as humans are naturally channelled towards an earnest pursuit of fulfilment. Any endeavour which does not have the capacity or potential to generate an inherent sense of satisfaction is generally not one, human beings are motivated to undertake. It is rather arduous to attempt to give a precise description of how it feels to be fulfilled, however it seems quite convenient for me to just describe it a feeling that flows from the achievement of desired results, realization of...



Becoming A Better You; Seven Things You Need To Work On


Someone once said that if all the wealth in the world were to be share equally among all men, such that no one has more than the other, it is just a matter of time, those who use to be rich will become rich again and those who were poor would end up being as poor as they were before the wealth distribution. This opinion may be regarded as quite sweeping to gain general acceptance but the fact remains that success is determined by the person and not the quantum/ size of the resources he has at his disposal.

Perhaps, a more ideal example is...

Read more: Becoming A Better You; Seven Things You Need To Work On


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