Wednesday, July 03, 2024
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A Choice to Fail or Succeed

freestyle_succeed_failRecently, I watched a concert on TV and one of the artists featured performed something one might call a satire, titled ‘Blame the Other Man’. The lyrics of the song go thus;
If on a Monday morning your little boy refused to go to schoolBlame the other manIf while on your way to work your car ran out of gasBlame the other manIf you cannot make your wife conceiveJust blame the other manThe man justified his stance by saying, blaming the other man for your failure is the most convenient thing to do. I also agree with him on that, we can actually become comfortable with our failures and subscribe to a life of perpetual failure by simply refusing to take responsibility for our mistakes and failures. We all have the ability to make choices and success and failure are two of such choices we need to make. Every successful man you know had an opportunity to choose whether to be who they are today or to be a failure. Same with the people that are failing, they made a choice and to justify their choice, they always almost naturally pass the blame to either their parents’ divorce, relatives who would not help, the color of their skin, super natural forces working against them, their high school mathematics teacher, bad luck or  the “system”. 
Ask an international college student why he could not come home with at least a community college degree after dropping out of the University back home two semesters to graduation to seek better education in the U.S., and he will gladly blame it on the system, the same system he blamed for his failed academic pursuit back in his home country. This is the point I am trying to make: the world owes you nothing, and you have got to work hard to get anything positive from your world.

Frustration is the only thing the world gives those who would rather sit around blaming every thing and everyone but themselves for how they have turned out. The world pays deserving people and if you are ever going to get anything from your world, you have to earn and prove that you deserve it. An African adage says, “It is what a farmer gives the soil that the soil gives back to him.” Same with the world, your world has standards you must meet, and it is meeting them that makes you deserving of the goodies in your world. We all are in a kind of contest here, and the challenge is for us to break beyond the limit of our geographical, social, and economic  environment, making use of the available mental, human, money and material resources, at our disposal. Wherever lane you find yourself on the tracks of life, you have got to beat others to emerge the winner. The people and the system that constitute your world will not help if you refuse to help yourself because not helping yourself means not wanting to be helped. However, your world has a lot to offer if you understand the principles involved in getting the best out of it.
In the last issue, I started a discourse on getting the best out of your world, citing several principles that could help one to get the best out of his or her world. In this edition, I will make some clarifications and then proceed with other principles for getting the best out of one’s world.
Your world as I have hinted above is constituted by people and systems, the people being in one sense, your immediate and extended families, members of your community, your colleagues, subordinates and superiors at work, and every human being you may have cause to deal with during the course of your sojourn in life who could affect your life one way the other and in another sense, the whole of the human race. On the other hand, the systems are the governments i.e. political, organizations and institutions, societies whose soul, operating mind and body are men guided by rules and guidelines on which each structures are built respectively. Your world is about people acting in different capacities. Presidents, top executives, mid level managers, directors, politicians, technicians, professors, doctors, priests, kings, junkies, relatives, cab drivers, social workers, etc. The list is endless. You cannot get out of your world what the people in your world do not have to offer.
The world only reckons with front liners while the rest have to rigorously fight for attention and struggle with residual privileges the front liners have no use for. Come to think of it, gifted people are kept separately in a class at elementary schools, outstanding students {academic, sport, and special skills} enjoy scholarship in Colleges and America has so made the cost of qualitative higher education so high that it is the really outstanding ones that could earn scholarship to study at the ivy leagues and national academia ending up in the big corps, or performing at the best organization relevant to their calling. The press does not show interest in people without exceptional stories and award for excellence goes only to achievers. The world always gives the best to the best people. So if you ever want to get the best out of your world, be the best. Work hard on joining the front liners, find something in which you could have a better chance of making it to the front line, seek knowledge to complement your natural disposition, acquire skills, talents are never enough, commit yourself to doing it consistently and persistently, find your passion in it and let working hard on it become fun. Though it is easier said than done, the reward is enough motivation for you to want to go all the way with it. Find your calling and take the lead. What you will get is the best your world could offer coupled with the Paparazzi that accompany stardom and excellence.
I have also noticed that the world is always against impatient people, everybody finds them annoying because they defy orderliness and are always leaving messes behind them for others to clean up. The impatient person starts a project but exhausts patience before the project gets midway  and dumps it. Impatient people raise alarm when there is no need for it. Impatient people cannot spend enough time to prepare for an exam and will not wait to answer the entire question they could attempt. Impatient people always perform much below their potentials and most times barely meet the minimum standard required by their world. They pop the question too soon and file for divorce too early. They are quitters, usually greatly endowed intellectually but highly disorganized. They chicken out easily and the biggest shows usually begin after their noisy exits. Impatient people die before the world could recognize their voice.
To get the best out of the world, we have got to learn or inculcate the nature of patience. It takes patience to start up a small business and nurture it until it becomes a conglomerate. It takes patience to build wealth, build a home, live well, and even more patience to live long. The world is recording higher numbers of losers in this generation no thanks to the advent of high technology and faster processing which has brought about the ‘less effort and more result’ mentality. Technology is fast eroding our values; we want a house built just by a click on the keyboard, forgetting that such house most definitely will go down with a click. Patience does not mean being inactive but being more thorough, having more tolerance and spending more time on the activity. Our cars move faster in this generation but lacks durability. The world has always held patient people in high esteem. The next time you read a biography of a great man, mark out his virtues and I am sure patience is just one of them. The world never disappoints those who dare to wait, wait patiently and get the best from your world. 
If getting the best out of your world is your goal, it might interest you to know that the world is always attracted to brilliance. Do you think you have something the world would pay a price to get? Put on the right packaging. Always remember, if you can make it to this place, you can make it in this place. Be the best.
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