Wednesday, July 03, 2024
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Improving On Your Best


We hear people express disappointment every time somebody in their world fails to live up to their expectation of him or her in a given circumstance, and as individuals, we also have expectations from people in our world based on our relationship with them and our perception of their competencies. Parents have expectations from their children, and children on their part have expectations from their parents, so also are employers and employees, governments and the nationals, investors and businesses...

Read more: Improving On Your Best


Tools for Withstanding Pressure


Life is good! There are times we say that or actually feel like shouting that to the hearing of who ever cares to listen. When dreams come true, when set goals are achieved, when promises are fulfilled, when there is not much to bother about but good things, we often have to agree with the LG Company that life is indeed good. However, there are times when life demands too much from us, there are times when things do not just work out as planned, there are times we face so intense difficulties that makes one wonder whether one will survive another day, there are times when everything seems torn apart and there are times things appear to have been turned upside down. With lots of erstwhile gainfully employed people losing their jobs, people losing their homes...

Read more: Tools for Withstanding Pressure


How to Succeed in 2011


Sometimes toward the tail end of last year, I was assigned to interview a young and new law school graduate who had applied for the position of an intern with our firm. It was an impromptu arrangement, so I barely had time to really scrutinize his resume, but at a glance, I noticed that the young man apart from having had a barely average performance in school had interned in some of the big law firms in the course of his college and law school education and had written several professional exams, some of which made me wonder if he was planning a change of career. At the time I was perusing his credentials, he was already waiting to meet me.  However, within the short time I had, I was able to draw one inference from his resume, he does too many things at the...

Read more: How to Succeed in 2011


Be Focused, Side Attraction Could Steal Your Dream: The Story of ‘Kiloku’


In my first year in college, a group of students staged a melodrama titled ‘Kiloku’as part of the freshmen orientation program. The story centered on a promising young man named ‘Kiloku’ who went sojourning in a distant land with a mission to learn blacksmithing and procure a priceless commodity called the golden egg. On the day Kiloku was setting out on his mission, the whole of his clan gathered to send him forth with wishes and prayers that the shining star will come back home someday with the lost treasure from the distant land and bring glory and honour to his homeland. The elders advised him to always remember his roots, and be focused on his mission all through the sojourn, the old women on their part pleaded with him to stay out of trouble...

Read more: Be Focused, Side Attraction Could Steal Your Dream: The Story of ‘Kiloku’


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