Wednesday, July 03, 2024
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Family Matters

No Child Is Safe



We would rather not talk about it, especially at this time of year when everything is joy and festivities, but we have to. The news of allegations of the cover-up of a prolonged sexual abuse of children coming from one of this nation’s most revered institutions of higher learning has forced us to take pause. We need to look at this issue cautiously. The real concern here is not whether people got fired or whether the prestige of an institution is in jeopardy and its famed football program will lose its rank and multimillion dollar...

Read more: No Child Is Safe


Are you Paying Enough Rent?


As a nation, we have become in many ways, conscious advocates for the respect of individual and collective rights. As a result we live in a society where pets, trees, and humans all seem to have the same rights. The advantage is that this heightened awareness of the boundaries of respect that we should have for fellow humans, animals and nature has made us more compassionate and more aware of the need to protect the rights of the vulnerable amongst us. As an outcome of this heightened empathy, the development of organizations that seek to provide protection through education and advocacy for the rights of specific groups is on the rise. Nevertheless, we sometimes seem to forget that responsibilities are a fundamental part of rights. We cannot defend or protect rights without...

Read more: Are you Paying Enough Rent?


Part II: Emotional Cleansing

In our last issue we discussed the importance of carrying out an emotional cleansing. An emotional cleansing can be best described as detoxifying the mind of negative feelings and emotions. These emotions and feelings usually affect the way we feel about ourselves and the way we feel about and interact with others. Experts believe that unexpressed and suppressed feelings and emotions can impact a person’s emotional, physical and spiritual health. This does not mean that if we have these feelings we will not be able to function “normally”.  What it does mean is that we may spend a lifetime carrying excess emotional baggage that we should get rid of. Sometimes we even invest considerable energy trying to convince ourselves, and others that we are OK and that these experiences have...

Read more: Part II: Emotional Cleansing


Part 1: Emotional Cleansing: Why We Need it and Where to Start


There is a lot of talk today about the benefits of internal cleansing. Science is now advocating, what our ancestors knew and practiced a long time ago, that the body needs to be relieved of toxins. Practicing liver and digestive cleanses have become popular because those of us who have tried them realize that our bodies feel and function much better after doing them. Cleanses become a sort of upgrade to our physical system. Yet, very few of us have invested any time or money to learn and carry out emotional cleanses. The truth is that we all need an emotional cleansing from time to time. Some of us have carried the weight of emotional toxicity for very long periods in our lives and thus need to take time off for emotional cleansing.

First, we must reflect and take inventory of...

Read more: Part 1: Emotional Cleansing: Why We Need it and Where to Start


The Real Deal about Women in the 21st Century


In 2008, the United States of America had a woman who ran a successful bid for the highest position in the land. And yes, while Senator Hillary Clinton did not win, she ran one of the toughest campaigns in the history of this nation.


Women and men of the current era often feel that the struggle for gender equality is not a number one priority on the social agenda any longer, as it was 40 or 50 years ago because women are better off today. They often forget that their mothers and grandmothers were the ones who bore the brunt of an era where women were treated unequally and unfairly. It was the voices of our mothers and grandmothers that influenced the opportunities that women today enjoy. Women have come a long way, but they have not yet arrived. Let me present to...

Read more: The Real Deal about Women in the 21st Century


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