Wednesday, July 03, 2024
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Family Matters

Your 2011 Network for Success: Who’s Got Your Back?

family matters


Perhaps you have heard the popular references to the “self-made man or woman”. These are individuals who have s omehow single-handedly managed to...

Read more: Your 2011 Network for Success: Who’s Got Your Back?


Own Your Gifts in 2011


Every New Year comes with its own set of expectations and challenges. We celebrate its arrival with much joy and revelry but all the while we are carrying that million-dollar question in our minds: “What will this new year bring?” Yet, more are concerned about what is in store for us. We need to see every New Year as a brand-new opportunity for success. The New Year grants each of us opportunities to create new things, to undo the past, to start afresh, to set new goals and work towards achieving new standards. The New Year marks the beginning of great things.

Oftentimes we begin the year with great intentions and great plans but along the way we lose focus and become distracted by our circumstances. Before we know it our circumstances are governing our choices. Our...

Read more: Own Your Gifts in 2011


What if We Had Our Priorities Straight?


For many the end of every year always brings with it lots of stress and anxiety. It would seem that often times even our best efforts to try to make our Christmas and New Year celebrations a time of joy and festivities, are not enough to erase the pressures of the season. Shopping in crowded malls, maneuvering through traffic, trying to stretch dollars and maxing out credit cards to make the “season bright” for ourselves and our loved ones is stressful. Along the way, we lose our joy and the celebration seems way too short-lived in comparison to the amount of energy and time invested. A mixed-up priorities scale is the culprit for a lot of the stress we experience. The truth is that we overwork and overdo, trying to fulfill everyone’s expectation. In the end, very little is...

Read more: What if We Had Our Priorities Straight?


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