Wednesday, July 03, 2024
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Women Affairs

Married…………………. But Single (Part 2)


Marriage is one of the most interesting topics to a great majority of people. The reason for this is not farfetched. Marriage is centered on emotions which many times are sporadically good, lukewarm or just plain bad. In the last issue we discussed how insensitivity in the way that a spouse lives his / her life can affect the well being of the marriage. For instance, work schedules, hobbies, friends and family or ministry commitment can affect the health of a marriage negatively if all the activities are not properly balanced. Sometimes, this happens unintentionally or in some cases...

Read more: Married…………………. But Single (Part 2)


WOMAN TO WOMAN – Come out and Shine!


I watched on T.V the other day the case of a woman with a Phd whose daughter had brought her for a make-over of herself and her home. The cameras went into her home to show the different areas of the house. She had items like towels, underwear, wedding gifts, personal purchases and very old furniture she’s been holding on to for 30years or thereabouts. She acknowledged how difficult it is for her to part with any of these objects. Infact, she said towels are better when they become thin because they absorb water better! She presented a dishwashing sponge she has been using for well over a year now.

Merely looking at the quantity of junk in her house reminds me of many women that are in the same situation. They are as beautiful as glass on the outside but if you dare go...

Read more: WOMAN TO WOMAN – Come out and Shine!


Lonely in the Crowd? Reach out and touch somebody….


There is so much happening in the world and so much to do that it is often amazing to find that many people are very, very lonely. Loneliness can mean: unhappiness as a result of being without the companionship of others or a place or life that is isolated, unfrequented or desolate. We must, however, not confuse loneliness with solitude.  Loneliness is what gnaws at us when connections fail. But solo time is essential, it can help us think clearly, breathe calmly, and even feel content. According to this quote in the book, “Facing Loneliness” by J. Oswald Sanders, “It is nothing new to be lonely. It comes to all of us sooner or later….. If we try to retreat from it, we end in darker hell. But if we face it, if we remember that there are a million others like us, if we reach...

Read more: Lonely in the Crowd? Reach out and touch somebody….


Reflections at Christmas A peep into a Woman’s Heart


Mary, the mother of our Lord Jesus’ Christ is someone that every woman needs to emulate in character. This season in the life of everyone, Christians and non-Christians alike is a time when we need to examine our lives and determine again the purpose for our existence. Mary from an early age was focused so much so that her purity activated the power of God in her life. In the gospel of Luke Chapter 1 verse 28, the angel of the Lord visited her and said, “Hail, thou that art highly favored, the Lord is with thee. Blessed art thou among women.” The bible lets us know that Mary did not answer with pride as someone who rates herself as deserving of any special recognition. She was reported as being troubled by the saying. This shows her humility. She was willing to do anything as...

Read more: Reflections at Christmas A peep into a Woman’s Heart


Wives Who Disgrace their Husbands


May God not let me be partial in giving out His Word because we serve a God who is not partial in His judgment. I love women and I love being a woman but boy oh boy, some women deserve the whip when it comes to the way they deal with their spouse. What has gotten me so inflamed are just the real life stories that I hear sometimes about the treatment that some women give to their husbands just because they have an upper hand financially, emotionally and socially. Before you get riled, let me just say that I know that men are mostly the culprits in this area but I find out that there are women who match them blow for blow.  What does the word of God say?

In Genesis chapter 2 verse 20 of the Bible, when Adam had given names to all cattle, birds of the air and every beast of...

Read more: Wives Who Disgrace their Husbands


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