Wednesday, July 03, 2024
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Women Affairs

Married … But Single (Part 1)


“I am just so tired of being alone in this marriage!”

I looked up sharply to see these two women conversing only to realize that they were completely oblivious of anyone else standing by. The thing that stirred my interest was the metaphor in the simple statement of frustration uttered by the lady. Alone in a marriage ... hmm!

The definition of marriage according to the Holy Bible is the union between a man and a woman whereby the man leaves his father and his mother and ‘cleaves’ to his wife and the two of them become one. In studying about marriage in the...

Read more: Married … But Single (Part 1)


Wanted: Desperate Housewives!

Imagine an advertisement that reads: Wanted: Desperate Housewives! Let’s also assume that it goes on to say that every woman who is willing to go the extra mile to help husband, children, in-laws (even terrible ones), and also be available to be a battle axe in the vineyard of the Lord, Jesus Christ will receive a lifetime supply of peace, wealth, etc. I’ll bet that without prompting many women will become desperate housewives or strive to fit that description.

What do I mean by desperate housewives? Excuse the activities of the namesake on television. This program on television centers on the promiscuous lives of the wives that live in a particular zip code. This term, however, is being used to describe some women in the Bible who were desperate enough to...

Read more: Wanted: Desperate Housewives!


Is Your Wedding Ring Troubled? (1) ‘Respect & Unconditional Love for your Husband can Save it’

woman_affairsRecently I watched my husband as he dressed up in the morning and the last thing he usually does is put on his wristwatch and his wedding ring which rest on the same spot on the dresser every night. A thought came to me that, to some people, wearing the wedding ring could just be a habit, something that they have come to do without thinking. Has wearing your wedding ring become a habit instead of a symbol of love and commitment?Many marriages are a window dressing on the world. They have long lost their flavor and what is left is just an arrangement to keep it together for the sake of the children or the Church or what other people will say. There are many solutions that the world offers such as calling it quits, and getting a new beginning. I came across an interesting website called...

Read more: Is Your Wedding Ring Troubled? (1) ‘Respect & Unconditional Love for your Husband can Save it’




You may get more than you bargained for………

“And Jacob came out of the field in the evening, and Leah went out to meet him, and said Thou must come in to me; for surely I have hired thee with my son’s mandrakes. And he lay with her that night.”

The story of Leah is probably one that most modern day women can relate to. She was given to her husband under false pretence. Her sister Rachel was supposed to be the bride but their father swapped them because he had determined that according to the custom of the land, the younger sister cannot be given out in marriage before the elderly one. Jacob went in to his wife on the wedding night and did not realize that he had made love to the wrong woman.  Many marriages are entered into...



Becoming A Woman Who Pleases God …….the story of the Shunammite woman


In examining the life of the Shunammite woman as recorded in 1 Kings 4:8-37, the thoughts that came to my mind is that she was a woman who was well groomed to be god-fearing, a good wife, hospitable, respectful, industrious and so much more. Many people focus on the fact that she was barren initially, but there was so much more to her character that brought the blessings of God right to her doorstep. It is not the amount of time you spend in Church or doing other charitable activities that will draw the supernatural blessings of God. We cannot bribe God with our service. Serving Him must come from a deep love and desire to please Him.

See Yourself as a Great Person. We cannot be beggarly in our approach to life. The Story of the Shunammite woman opens up to let us know...

Read more: Becoming A Woman Who Pleases God …….the story of the Shunammite woman


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