Wednesday, July 03, 2024
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Eagerness of God



Today, the Lord gives me an opportunity to tell you the story of some people who began one way but ended another way. By the time you understand the stories, your spirit will be lifted and you will realize that when God turns the wheel around for a person, situations change for the better. Although you may have started out with or presently be in situations which you cannot write home about, if you believe God for a turn around, life will change for the better for you; you will drool on yourself in awe of His might as he repositions you for greatness.  This is an idea I received from the...






For generations, nations, organizations, families and individuals have been using ‘codeword’, ‘test word’ or ‘password’ in order to gain access to a need or claim membership of some sort. This is also true of the Bible age. To the Gileadites as we read in Judges 12:1-6, the word “Shibboleth” is a codeword that was used in order to differentiate between an Ephraimite and a Gileadite. In this war-time story, it is clearly shown that anyone who claimed to be a Gileadite but could not pronounce the word ‘Shibboleth’ correctly (with its H sound) was definitely not a Gileadite and was therefore killed.


A colleague of mine in year 2005, Pastor Justus Orori, was teaching in one of his sermons about what is in a name. As he spoke I recalled my...

Read more: THE CODE WORD


If You Remain an Alien


An alien is, according to “a resident born in or belonging to another country who has not acquired citizenship by naturalization (distinguished from citizen).” “A foreigner.” “A person who has been estranged or excluded.”

When you are an alien:

  • Aliens pay “foreign student tuition” which is exorbitantly and higher than that of a resident / citizen.
  • Aliens do not find jobs so easily or earn a comfortable livelihood because of their status.
  • Aliens cannot vote (participate in decision makings that affect their lives).
  • Aliens are under travel and other restrictions...

Read more: If You Remain an Alien




The Bible says, “The life of flesh is in the blood …” – Lev.  17:11

This means there is no life without blood. This is easily understood in that, as we know it, if anyone is in a situation where there is too much loss of blood, the person may die - “because life is in the blood”.

When a person suffers from blood disorder, he or she may require frequent blood transfusion in order to prevent death; and soon as the person receives the needed blood, they are good to go – “because life is in the blood”.

Human blood has life in it because of its component: Red cells, White cells, platelets and plasma.

  1. Red blood cells help carry oxygen from the lungs to the rest of the body tissues and...

Read more: THE BLOOD


Don’t Get Cheated This Year


Many Christians have never been nor will ever be truly happy in their lives because Satan uses the cheapest opportunity he gets to cheat and rob them of their goodies. He prevents prayers from being answered by using the loopholes in our attitude of ingratitude against us. The devil is able to oppress and prevent the flow of God’s blessings from reaching you by capitalizing on your weakness of ingratitude. God inhabits the praises of His people, but as long as His people do not praise Him, it affords the devil the possibility to sit on their blessings. Do not be cheated anymore; start giving praise to God.



It is a pity to report that most Christians are ingrates. We fail to appreciate God for His goodness. We wait till a big thing...

Read more: Don’t Get Cheated This Year


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