Wednesday, July 03, 2024
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His Tricks

eagernessDear Reader, I have a strong feeling that the Lord Almighty is going to bless you greatly as you read this exhortation. It’s about temptation, something we all experience. Using Matthew 4:1-11 as our guide, I want to bring to your attention that Satan will go to any length and use anything possible to tempt God’s children. Most of the time he uses our needs or weaknesses to entrap us, but with Christ’s help we can always overcome his tricks.


  1. Food: If he could tempt Christ with food (Mt. 4:1-3), he could do so with anyone. Usually when we are hungry, we become impatient, desperate and vulnerable. He also tempted Adam with food, therefore, be careful not to fall for Satan at your weak point.
  2. Position: Satan used position and possible need for Christ to prove whom He was (4:6). Watch out not to want something so badly. The Devil could catch you with it.
  3. Power and material Things: He also tempted Jesus with power and materials (4:8-9). How badly do you have to acquire things? Watch out, the devil may use it against you.
  4. Loneliness: People in search of love, understanding or acceptance usually fall prey of Satan’s tricks. Watch out.
  5. Insecurity: He will suggest lots of unrighteous ways to go about getting what you need in order to become stable in a foreign land, because he knows how desperate you are; but remember whose child you are. Every unrighteousness is sin (1 Jn. 5:17).
  6. Wealth or lack: Sometimes he uses abundance and makes one become proud and ungrateful. Sometimes he makes one become grump when there is lack of one thing or the other; but David asked that God will not allow him to either become too rich or poor to the point of denying Him. The list above is not exhaustive, but be careful lest you fall.

Way Out:

  • Know and use the word of God, as Jesus did in verses 4, 7 & 10. This is a crucial weapon which you cannot do without. Hide his words in your heart, this will help you to avoid sin – Ps. 119:11
  • Rely on the help of the Holy Spirit, who will remind you of the word of God and give you the courage to combat the devil and be victorious (Jn. 14:26)
  • Watch and pray, because of the weakness of the body; the Holy Spirit will help you – Mt. 26:41. But do not be fooled that he won’t tempt you because you prayed. Notice that it was after 40 days of fasting and praying that Satan came to tempt Jesus, but Satan failed at last (Mt. 4:1-3).
  • Whenever Satan is testing your patience, remember the word of God which advises you to wait (Isa. 8:17; Ps. 37:7).

Satan uses any means to tempt the people of God. He can tempt you while you are passing through hard times, to see if you would deny God. He won’t mind tempting people even when they are rich and have everything at finger tips. He wants to see if you would become proud; But remember, God will deliver you from every temptation that comes your way, if you live for Him (1 Cor.10:13). Watch out and live victoriously in Jesus name.


I am Pastor Abraham Obadare, a minister of the gospel at Christ Apostolic Church of America, Inc. You are welcome to worship with us at 108-02 Sutphin Blvd., Jamaica, NY 11435. You may also keep with us on 24 hours internet radio at Our website is where you can demand videos for your enrichment, watch our live streaming or read past messages / articles.

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