Wednesday, July 03, 2024
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Generational Blessings Can Begin With You

eagerness_of_godWelcome to another month of learning the truth of God’s words. Today I want to draw your attention to the story of a family of blessed people. In the book of Genesis 22:1-18, you will see a part of the dealing of God with Abraham – where we found that Abraham walked with God so faithfully that God made a lasting covenant with him by oath; a covenant of blessings that lasted many generations.As you read the highlights of the story, it is my prayer that you will learn from father Abraham and begin to walk with God in faith – to the point that the blessings of Abraham can begin with you and get passed on to your descendants because of your own faithfulness.The power (the “because”) behind or keys to generational blessings: God said in Genesis 22:16, “…“because you have done this thing …” Done what?1. He believed in his heart and stated with his mouth that “The Lord Will Provide;” (in verse 14). This is faith in action. Would you walk in faith, expecting God to provide for your needs when you are desperate? 2. He was willing to give God anything. God said to him, because you “have not withheld your son, your only son” vs. 12 & 16 - that which was dear and important to him. Are you willing to engage in total self-denial for God’s sake?  3. At all cost, he obeyed God. God said to him, “because you have obeyed my voice” - Vs. 18. This is an act of absolute obedience to God’s instructions, no matter how inconvenient or uncomfortable the instructions may seem. What would it take for you to obey God’s instructions to the point of moving Him to action?God’s perception of our actions:God sees your obedience, faith and self-denial as “fear” of Him. He said, “… for now I know that you fear God …” - vs. 12.  How do you think God perceives your actions now, based on how you relate with Him?

God’s unchangeable promises to His own - who fear Him:1. “Blessing I will bless you” (vs. 17)2. “Multiplying I will multiply your descendants” (vs. 17)3. “Your descendants shall possess the gates of their enemies” (vs. 17)4. “In your seed all the nations of the earth shall be blessed” (vs. 18)

Fulfillment of the promises:1. Isaac, Abraham’s child, enjoyed the fulfillment of God’s promises (Gen. 26:1-14). Will your children enjoy your faithfulness to God?2. Jacob, Abraham’s grandchild, also did (Gen. 28:13-15). How are you walking with God? Could your faithfulness extend to your third generation?3. We, who believe in Jesus Christ, are also known as the seeds of Abraham and are now enjoying the blessings of salvation through Jesus Christ (Gal. 3:6-9). We are people of another generation beyond Jacob. Are you living a life that can bring goodness to the world over and over?

Bring it home:Abraham received abundant blessings from God because of his obedience, faith, and self-denial. The blessings included riches, peace and the ability of his descendants to conquer enemies and become blessings to the entire human race.  This type of grace is also made available for all of us who will be faithful in our relationship with God: we could be blessed, together with our loved ones and generations to come (Isa. 51:1-2). Can God trust us to fear Him in obedience, faith and self-denial? You know, this type of blessings can begin with you and me if only we could live for Christ.

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