Wednesday, July 03, 2024
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eagerness_of_godToday I want to talk to you about prayer. What is prayer? We find the example, necessity, style and time of prayer from someone who is not supposed to pray. Then the challenge we have today is if the one who was not supposed to pray can pray, then you and I are guilty in the area of prayer.


Who is the one that needed not to have prayed? - John 1:1-5

The one who was not supposed to pray is the One who had power over all things;

The one who was not supposed to pray is the One who forgives sins;

He loved God; He was the representative of God; He Himself was God;

He left His seat of glory in order to come to the seat of suffering;

All things had been put under His dominion; He remains the head of the church;

He is the savior of the world; His name is JESUS.

Why then did Jesus pray? He prayed so that He may set Himself as an example for us.

If Jesus who did not need to pray could pray, how much more you and I? What are we doing? Do we not know that prayer has power over all the things on earth?


Let us read what Jesus did in Luke 6:12. – He went to the mountain to pray all night. I testify to you today that Jesus is the only HOLY ONE of God and He had no sins - (1 John 3:5).

He is the Lamb of God who came to take away the sins of the world; He Himself is God. Now see the example which He left for you and me – which we have failed to follow. Most Christians have failed in this area; may God restore us all.


Another scripture showing Christ in prayer is Mark 1:35. Here Mark states that Jesus went to a solitary place to pray before day break.

What do we do today?
We see Jesus as a prayer warrior on earth; He showed Himself as such. In our cases, do we not use the time of prayer for gossip, TV and sleep? Don’t you think we have gone beyond our boundaries? What a pity? We have neglected what is important; but I pray that the will and power to pray be given to you right now in Jesus name.


What is the plan / will of God for you? It is that you should have time for prayer.

Mk. 6:46 records again that Jesus left the people and went to pray, after He had just finished a miracle. You must not stop praying because you just experienced a miracle. Continue to pray so that the miracles can become everyday occurrences.


If you have problems or difficulties, prayer is what your need: Herbalists and man-made powers cannot solve your problems; one sinner cannot rescue another sinner from the load of sins; neither can idols nor your money help, but only Jesus Christ - through prayers.


If you are not going to lie or engage in self-deceit, you know that a person who cannot pray has no other choice than to trust in ungodly ways for survival. If you occupy a high position and you cannot pray, you’ll have to start relying on human beings. Unfortunately, however, humans will fail you. If you are asking for a child, only prayers unto God will prevent you from getting a problem child.

If you are looking for promotion, only prayers could get you there, otherwise you’ll need to cheat or lower your standars and dignity in other to arrive.


Without prayer, nothing works: People of God, let’s go back to prayer, our only means of talking to God and maintaining victory.

It does not matter what position you occupy; the people you are leading are sometimes stubborn and set in their own ways; only through prayers can you lead successfully.


Prayer is like heavy rainfalls that softens the ground: If you sow a crop when there is no rain, you cannot get anything. But when there is rain, hard surface will soften. May hardness be removed from your life in Jesus’ name.

To lead a church, you need prayer; to lead a government, you need prayer; to make it as a pastor, you need prayer; to reach your destiny in life, you need prayer. As a youth, you need prayers. Note that ever from your infancy God had planned goodness for you, but Satan also planned evil since your birth. If evil is not going to prevail over you, prayer is the way out. As a ruler, you need to pray in order to be able to rule well.


Learn how to pray and fast: If you are praying concerning a situation and nothing is changing, add fasting to it and you will get solution.


There is a lot of suprises in our world today because the people who we think are not close to God are actually getting results. Why? They pray.  See a man called Cornelius in Acts 10:1-4. The bible says his prayers went to God as rememberance. Do you also talk to God in prayer? Do you realise that if you do not talk to God, there is nothing for God to remember concerning you?


In short, let me say this: all of us must find time to pray. Talk to God in prayer and you will see the difference in your life. Please read 1 Thess. 5:17 in order to see when to pray. It says we should pray without ceasing. But if you refuse to pray for yourself, please go to verse 25 which says you should pray for me.


Start praying now, God will enable you.



To contact Pastor Abraham Obadare, the pastor of CACWOSEM in Queens, N.Y., please call 718-6588981 for prayers and other needs. He has just released the 2nd edition of his book titled “Chosen But Naughty.” Please call to obtain your copy. You may also listen to him on radio by logging on to
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