Wednesday, July 03, 2024
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What Do You See?

eagerness_of_godA fisherman, by the name of Simon, went fishing. He and his co-fishermen tried all night to catch fishes but to no avail. Catching and selling fishes was their livelihood. They were not amateurs at all. However, that night was unexpectedly disappointing. They brought two ships manned by able fishermen but ability and experience did not work that night. We do not know how many months, weeks or days this kind of disappointment had been their reality, but we know that this particular night was bad. For businessmen who needed not only to make profit but also to put food on the table for their families, catching no fish all night was devastating.

To Simon and the other fishermen in both ships, the reality was that they had “toiled all night and have taken nothing” (Luke 5:1-7). They saw a wasted effort and failing business. These folks saw economic depression and downturn. They saw possible need to change career if things continued the same way. These fishermen saw themselves loosing their homes if they kept catching nothing.

Dear reader, I ask you, what do you see? When you look at your life, do you see yourself as someone who may never make it because you’ve been trying your best but catching nothing? Did you loose your job and now see poverty looming over you? Does the present economic chaos with the unbelievably high unemployment rate cause you to wonder if your family won’t starve? Do you see a marriage to which you dedicated your best but all you get is continuous growing frustration? You’ve tried your best to become documented in this land but you see no way out? Do you see someone that will probably end up deported? Do you see yourself praying and praying but your spiritual stamina is still nothing to be proud of? Have you been in the ministry for so long and tried all ways and means to grow your ministry but you feel alone and frustrated?

I have good news for you: WHEN JESUS TAKES OVER YOUR SITUATION, HE SEES SOMEONE THAT WILL MAKE IT. Yes! Jesus sees you succeeding. He sees you getting saved. He sees your ministry grow. [Isa. 41:10-13). Jesus sees your marriage work. He has already settled the matter. Jesus sees you getting employed, owing your own business and taking care of you. In the midst of a depressed economy, Jesus sees you thrive [Isa. 43:19]. Jesus sees you not as a barren but a mother of many children. [Isa. 54: 1-8].

You know, Simon saw an all night toil resulting in nothing, but Jesus saw the deep full of fishes and blessing. Simon saw frustration and hunger, but Jesus saw joy and abundance. The widow of Zarephath saw famine, a small meal and death, but God (through His servant, Elijah) saw a barrel of meal that shall never waste, a cruise of oil that shall never fail, and life instead of death (1 Kg. 17:10-16). In Mark 6:34-44 the disciples saw five loaves and two fishes but Jesus saw plenty of food to feed five thousand people. The disciples saw scarcity but Jesus saw surplus.  I ask you, what do you see?


You need to take the steps that other believers have taken:

1.      Simon gave up his ship for Jesus to use for the gospel; the widow gave up her remaining meal to feed the prophet; the young lad gave up his lunch (5 loaves and 2 fishes) for Jesus to bless and multiply in order to feed thousands.  You must not wait till you have enough before you give out or share from anything you have. All the examples above show that none of them had surplus at the time they gave. Don’t delay Jesus’ visitation because of your stinginess. It is wrong to think you cannot help because you are not rich yet. Yes, share your little money, your small house, and your idea about how you got that small job. Share your faith in God with someone else, even though you have not become a leader in your church. Loan your life to Jesus. He will pay you back richly. [See all the references previously sited].

2.      Believe in the name and the word of Jesus.  Do what He commands you to do. It might not make sense to your natural self but your spirit understands it. Just follow what He says. Give your life to Jesus today. He is the only one that makes sense. When Jesus told Simon to “launch out into the deep and let down your nets for a draught,” Simon said, “…nevertheless at thy word I will let down the net.” He did not argue with Christ. Surely at the word of Christ, they caught multitude of fishes, enough to compensate for any loss they’ve ever had. The widow of Zarephath did not argue with the prophet. She “did according to the saying of Elijah” to make food for him first.  As soon as the lad was asked for his lunch, he gave it up for Jesus to use.

I will conclude by saying if you let Jesus visit you He will turn your life around like you have never imagined. [Eph. 3:20]. He will uplift you spiritually, financially and in all other areas to the point of impacting the people around you. When Simon’s ship was filled, his co-fishermen’s ship was also full. Blessing came to everyone around him. God can use you as a point of contact for others if you will trust Him with His word.  The widow woman’s household also benefited from the new blessing she received. Just because of the young lad’s few loaves and fishes, thousands of people benefited. A woman testified in our church last Sunday stating that many people benefited at her work from the favor that God showed on her. That’s the kind of testimony you can also have.

Have you given something to Jesus lately? Does He have your life and belongings to use? Will you take His word seriously? This is the only way you can make it and launch into the deep to see what He sees for your life. “No Jesus, no life.”

Don’t give up. Keep the job search. Keep the prayers going. Jesus will come to you at the location of your trouble & struggle. “And the glory of the Lord shall be revealed, and all flesh shall see it together: for the mouth of the Lord hath spoken it” [Isa. 40:5]. May the Lord open your eyes to see what Jesus sees and has already established concerning you. Amen.

I am Pastor Abraham Obadare of Christ Apostolic Church WOSEM. To get a copy of my new book, ‘Chosen But Naughty,’ please call 516-8605729.

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