Wednesday, July 03, 2024
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You Are A Perfect Candidate for the Dream Act


My name is Marco Perez I am an illegal immigrant from Gresham, Oregon. I have lived in the United States since I entered in 1995 at age 3. This is the only country I know. I currently graduated from High School and I want to go on to College. I was wondering if the Dream Act passes would I be able to benefit from it. Would it help so that I can get an I.D and drivers license because up to now, I have been working under the table and I get paid under the table. I want a normal job so I don't have to be stressing if they pay me or not.




Thanks for your mail. You are a perfect candidate for the Dream Act provided you have no criminal record. It appears that your problem will be solved once the law is passed. You need to be proactive in reaching out to your Congress representative to support the passage of the bill. The Dream Act when passed will provide illegal aliens who entered the United States before the age of sixteen with benefits that will lead to permanent resident status. These aliens will be able to apply for permanent residence after 3years or 6yrs on a probationary status. The requirements are that the alien must demonstrate good moral character. The alien must not have abandoned the alien's residence in the United States. The alien must have completed at least 1 of the following: (i) The alien has acquired a degree from an institution of higher education in the United States or has completed at least 2 years, in good standing, in a program for a bachelor's degree or higher degree in the United States. (ii) The alien has served in the uniformed services for at least 2 years and, if discharged, has received an honorable discharge. The alien has provided a list of all of the secondary educational institutions that the alien attended in the United States. If you meet all these requirements, you will get your legal status documents when the Dream Act is passed. Good luck.



You Marriage Case is Dead before Filing; Don’t Waste Your Money



Greetings Sir. My name is AA. I am from Republic of Benin West Africa. I have been married to an American citizen since 2007 in North Carolina. A few months after our marriage myself and my wife started having a lot of misunderstanding so I moved from North Carolina to New York where I live right now. I have never filed any document with the immigration and I will love to file now .Can I still file? When I separated from my wife I left behind every proof of me and her being together. The only thing I have left is my marriage pictures. Now my wife has a baby for someone else and lives with another man. It is a long story. Sir I need your advice to move on with my life. May GOD bless you for all the information you provide to the community.




Thanks for your mail. Sorry about your marriage not working out, now you need to move on. You can no longer file with the marriage to a woman who is currently with another man with a child. It appears that you abandoned the marriage some years ago. It appears that the marriage was not documented. It also appears that you both have decided to move on. What you need to do right now is to file for divorce to set yourself free of the marriage. If you meet another woman, marriage will still work for you, but this time you must do things right. Do not attempt to use the North Carolina marriage to file, because at the end of it, you will be denied and could find yourself in removal proceedings. Beware.


Your Case is Totally Hopeless, Unless….



Hi. I stumbled on your blog/website, and I am curious about something. I shredded my confirmation number printout for DV Lottery 2012 after checking the result in May 2011 and realizing that I did not win. I safeguarded the confirmation number for so long. Now that the May 2011 result has been canceled how do I know if I am selected when the result is released on July 15, 2011. Is there any alternative to the online verification? Do selected candidates often get mailed via post again?




Thanks for visiting us online. I quite sympathize with your plight. You must have decided to shred the confirmation number in a fit of anger. It must have been that you wanted to put another disappointment behind you, but there is a good lesson in your case for the future. It is not over until it is over. Unfortunately, your case seems hopeless unless the U.S. Department of State changes their mind again to send the result by mail. The last instruction from the State Department is that the result will not be sent by mail, so the only means of checking the result will be online using your confirmation number.


You Need the Law to Change



Hello Mr. Famuyide, I was reading the U.S Immigration News and I wanted to know if you would know or have a solution to my problem: I am an illegal immigrant at the age of 16. I am about to go to College this August and I know not having my papers will be a real problem when trying to get a job to help pay for school. I was smuggled up here when I was 10. My sister is a green card holder, but I and my mother are not. So please I ask again if there is nothing that can be done to help my situation. I really look forward to your reply.




Thanks for your mail. You will definitely need the law to change. The Dream Act or the Comprehensive Immigration Reform will work for you. Likewise, if the Section 245(i) of the Immigration & Nationality Act is returned, you could get green card through your mother if she is filed for by her U.S. citizen spouse. Please continue to call or write to your Congress representative to support the passage of the Comprehensive Immigration Reform.


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