Wednesday, July 03, 2024
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An Appeal to Men – Resolve to have a Health Check-Up in the New Year

health_check_upMr. Doe is a well-paid, hardworking, up-and-about man in his forties. He has been ‘healthy’ for as long as he can remember except for body aches once in a while which he attributes to hard work. He has a good health insurance plan but does not see the need to see a doctor because he feels fine. He developed some pain in one of his joints for some months but was unable to take time off his busy schedule. He stumbled on one of our articles in the US Immigration Newspaper and decided to check out the painful joint which had begun affecting the way he walked. He passionately requested, “Doctor please write an appeal to men; many are like me who think there is no need to check out our bodies and by the time we do, a lot of damage has already been done”.  Needless to say Mr. Doe’s joint pain was caused by underlying problems. The lack of quick attention had resulted in some major damage that could have been averted with a onetime visit to the doctor’s office many months earlier.

Mr. John was a self-employed, successful man of about the same age as Mr. Doe. He had been ‘healthy’ all his life too. He did not have any complaints that could make him suspect his blood pressure was high. He worked diligently until he was halted unexpectedly. His first visit to a doctor in over twenty years was a 911 call when he could not speak or move some parts of his body, not to mention helping himself. He had a stroke not realizing he had high blood pressure for a long time. A trip to a doctor years earlier for routine check-up would have warded off a lifelong disability.

Some men have been told by health practitioners at a point that their blood pressure is high. Many never return to have it checked again. Neither do they take precautionary measures to control the blood pressure. To make matters worse, there is a popular myth amongst men that all blood pressure medications affect sexual function. Some men therefore, would rather have untreated high blood pressure than suffer what they have been made to believe is one of the consequences of treatment.  In reality, not all blood pressure medications affect sexual function. You should feel free to discuss the issue with your doctor instead of staying home and suffering from the complications of uncontrolled high blood pressure.

As surprising as these situations may seem, they happen very often among men in the middle age group. Many find that they are too busy working or they just don’t feel the need to go to the doctor. However, as a result of that thought process, when they finally do, they find that they are not as healthy  as they assumed.  This is not in any way to single out men, but there are more opportunities that force women to the doctor. At the very least, women of child-bearing age will see the doctor every time they are pregnant.

What then should be done?

Have routine physical examination yearly whether or not your job requires it. This should entail detailed history of your health status and thorough examination. Even if you do not have health insurance, try to pay for basic doctor’s visit and blood work. Many doctors give discount to non-insured people. It will always be cheaper to test when there is no apparent problem than to treat an escalated health issue. Basic blood test that should be done should include a metabolic profile (checks the major electrolytes, the kidney, liver); complete blood count (checks level of red and white blood cells); Lipids (cholesterol – good and bad and fat); and urine as necessary. It is also good to get a baseline electrocardiogram when you are above forty. Other screening tests that are age-dependent will be offered to you.  Please refer to the article: Prevention is Cheaper than Cure.

If the doctor informs you that something is abnormal, try to follow through with the recommendations till it is resolved.

Take Home Message

Good health is vital to enjoying all that you have worked for. Do not let assumptions based solely on feelings deprive you of long life. It is not worth dying cheap in a nation where you could easily be checked and treated.  Do not die prematurely leaving to suffer the very people you intend to provide for through your hard work. Create time for your health.

Dr. Oluwatoyosi Dairo can be reached at Amazing Medical Services located at 110-16 Sutphin Blvd, Jamaica NY 11435 or by phone at (718)526-7600.

Disclaimer: This article is intended for education purposes only and is not intended to replace the advice of your doctor.


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