Wednesday, July 03, 2024
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The Herod of your life

eagernessDear Reader, in case you feel that you have a Herod in your life, I would like to share this message with you. It is taken from the story we read in Matthew 2:1-13; then you’ll see that our Lord Jesus Christ also had a Herod in His life.

I want to depict Herod as a type of

  1. Influential persons (people who could actually affect one’s life, either by way of position or proximity – Herod was in the position where he could order a person killed.
  2. Persons who pretend to love you or be your friend but are actually seeking your destruction. These are deceitful and pretending people; Herod pretended as if he wanted to worship Jesus.
  3. Persons who are close to us and know our strategies and lifestyles – (Joab) 2 Sam. 3:22-30
  4. People who are life wasters; even though you are trying to help them. Herod did not mind killing innocent children, just in an attempt to get to Jesus – Matt. 2:16-18

We’ll also depict Jesus as a type of

  1. Persons of great destiny: Jesus came to save mankind – Matt. 1:21
  2. Persons who was helpless at a point in time. Jesus was a child – Matt. 2:13

Enemies of destiny may also find you vulnerable and weak; they may therefore set out to sneak into your life for destruction, but as Herod failed over the life of Jesus, every kind of Herod in your life shall fail in Jesus name.


What is the end of such who have the same mindset as Herod?

  1. They fail: Herod died without being able to kill Jesus – Matt. 2:19-20, thank God.
  2. God’s revenge comes upon them: Joab later suffered a killed shameful death – 1 kings 2:1-6 & 28-34.


Way of escape from such deceivers:

  1. 1. Watch and pray concerning your moves and decisions – (David had saved the Keilah people in verse 5 but they are the same set of people who would have set him up for death in verse 12 if he did not inquire of God through prayer) - 1 Sam. 23:1-13; Matt. 7:15 (wolves as sheep) 
  2. 2. Obey God’s instructions; they will lead to your protection – Matt. 2:13. Do not be too religious to accept that indeed there are enemies who pretend to be friends. 
  3. 3. Set your mind upon the Lord, He will deliver you – Psalm 91:14


You will be victorious in Jesus name.


Prayers: Lord, deliver me from wolves who dress up in sheep’s clothing – Matt. 7:15

Do you have a sermon notebook? I have one customized just for you. Please call 516-8605729 for your copy. Also available for your benefit is a daily devotional titled “The Way.” Additionally, we have a life-changing book titled “Chosen But Naughty.” Call now and enrich yourself with life-lifting information laid out in these books.

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Pastor Abraham Obadare is a minister at Christ Apostolic Church WOSEM, 108-02 Sutphin Blvd., Jamaica, NY 11435. Listen to the Radio broadcast on or visit


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