Wednesday, July 03, 2024
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Immigrant Affairs

DNA Does Not Lie; Your Wife is the Liar



Hi sir,

       I am a U.S. citizen and I had 2 children before leaving Nigeria.  I had filed for them but they were refused visas because the DNA test result did not match. The test was repeated and the result came back the same as the first one. Their mother insists they are mine and I want to believe her but it’s hard to do so because of the DNA test report. Is there any other way I can take to file for these children? Apart from the DNA issue I love these children a lot and I have...

Read more: DNA Does Not Lie; Your Wife is the Liar




Peninnah could be as wicked as she would, but as long as Hannah hid in the LORD her wickedness was useless. So long as Hannah had a shelter in the LORD the devil’s darts were fruitless. Hannah would not bear the affliction alone, it was too severe and relentless, but when she went to the house of the LORD she got help. What you are facing right now might be too much for you to bear, take it to the LORD. Many times I have hit a stonewall and more often than not I could not do anything on my own to help myself. There are times when I knew clearly that all possible efforts had been exhausted. But thanks be to God because every time I turn to Him, He helps me. I bless His holy name. Do you know how to turn to Him? He can hear the cry in your heart. He can see your wounded heart. When you...



Inaccurate Information could lead to Denial of Citizenship



Dear Editor:


I have been a subscriber to your newspaper since December 2007. I find the printed material quite informative and I congratulate you for the good work. I am submitting to you the following personal request for information and help. My wife who is a legal immigrant since 2001 lost her canceled passport which contained all pertinent information about her trips for several years. She will be applying for citizenship this year and she has no other source of accurate information for the exact dates of her trips abroad and dates of return. How can she prove her trips when filing the application form for Naturalization and also during the interview? I wonder if the attorney for the ASK THE LAWYER column has seen a case like...

Read more: Inaccurate Information could lead to Denial of Citizenship


Stewardship of Life


I heard a sermon many years ago that rested so well with me that I began to apply it to my everyday life, as well as teach it to people that I come in contact with. The sermon was simply titled ‘Stewardship of Life.’ It brought me to an awareness of my environment and to value the blessings that we so readily take for granted. Things like electricity, safety, fresh food, running water and so much more. What brought this home more powerfully is the recent senseless killings of young people on national service in Nigeria as a result of dissatisfaction with the presidential elections in some quarters. This happened in a country that has the Military as well as the Police. Life is so meaningless to some people that they take other people’s lives at will. I am grateful to God for the...

Read more: Stewardship of Life




Headache is a loosely used word that it is not uncommon to hear parents say to children when bothered, “don’t give me headache”. In medical terms, headach
e is pain or discomfort that arises from anywhere above the eyes or ears, in the head or the upper part of the neck (towards the back). It is so common that almost everyone has had one form of headache or the other at some point in their lifetime.

The severity and duration of the headache, the presence or absence of associated symptoms, age at which the headache begins and other background medical problems are some of the things that determine the seriousness of headaches in general.

Types of Headache

There are so many types of headache that they cannot be exhausted in this write up. One way...

Read more: HEADACHE


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