Wednesday, July 03, 2024
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WOMAN TO WOMAN – Come out and Shine!

woman_affairsI watched on T.V the other day the case of a woman with a Phd whose daughter had brought her for a make-over of herself and her home. The cameras went into her home to show the different areas of the house. She had items like towels, underwear, wedding gifts, personal purchases and very old furniture she’s been holding on to for 30years or thereabouts. She acknowledged how difficult it is for her to part with any of these objects. Infact, she said towels are better when they become thin because they absorb water better! She presented a dishwashing sponge she has been using for well over a year now.

Merely looking at the quantity of junk in her house reminds me of many women that are in the same situation. They are as beautiful as glass on the outside but if you dare go into their abode, you may need to go for shock treatment. The environment that we live in sometimes depicts the state of our minds which could be that of hopelessness or very low self-esteem. I have come to understand that just because a home is dirty or someone does not care about their appearance does not mean that they do not love the good things of life. It is just that they have lost control probably because they are too busy or are overwhelmed by circumstances in their life, and so they give up trying to make any sense of it. Sometimes also the community that we live in may dictate our right to enjoy life because of their judgment of our circumstances.

The result of giving up is that life passes you by. Many women have a set of pattern for their lives, from home to work and back again. Occasionally they shop for food and basic necessities and most of the time they have very few or no friends at all. They may not want to make friends because they have been disappointed by people sometime in the past (male & female). Therefore, they put themselves in a secure box that none can penetrate.

The Bible tells us in Genesis chapter 1 verse 31 that God saw all that he had made and behold, it was very good. He also created man and woman and placed them in a garden he planted towards the east in Eden. Genesis chapter 2 verse 9 states that God made all kinds of trees grow out of the ground, trees that were pleasing to the eye and good for food. Part of the commandment that God gave man was to work the garden and take care of it. I hereby submit that each one’s life is the garden that God has given to be taken care of. When we allow negative circumstances to keep us down, we neglect our responsibilities as God’s children knowing that we are created for Him that we may show forth his glory.

What then do you do if you find yourself with no strength in your bones to carry on? I challenge every woman who is bowed down to arise and shine. Life is not over for you just because a particular situation did not work out. Infact it may just be the beginning of something more beautiful, more permanent. There are a few things apart from praying and studying the word of God that I do religiously that gives me a constant lift. Here are two of them:

Keeping my living environment clean and beautiful: Whether you live in a one bedroom apartment or a whole house, one of the ways to enjoy it is to make it beautiful and infuse your personality into it. There are inexpensive ways to achieve this. Never hold on to stuff you don’t need. Learn to give and throw out. Those plastic bowls, old newspapers, old clothes, pillows, furniture, toys etc. must go. Some women still have stuff they used for their married children safely stored away in their homes. May I suggest that you cry over them and let them go this New Year?

Making myself look beautiful.

A few days ago I hosted the executives of the Women Aflame International Ministry in my home. I gave every woman a call and told them that it was not a casual affair. They were to dress up and look their best. I brought out my best dinnerware (remember the ones you use to decorate and never actually use to eat) because I was determined not to use disposable paper plates. The evening turned out very stylish.

There is something about taking care of your body as a woman. It promotes your self-esteem. Try to have very few bad hair days. Forgive everyone that offends you and say to yourself everyday, ‘This is the day that the Lord has made. I choose to rejoice and be glad in it’



By Grace Eledan

Grace Eledan is co-Pastor Leaders Church Intl and the founder of Women Aflame Intl., a friendship network, intercession ministry and charity organization mentoring and mobilizing women to be more productive in their spheres of influence. She can be reached on (718) 503-2580 or Also follow us on Face book.  Intercessory line open every Monday night from 9pm-10pm on (712) 432-0800 Access code 330528#.


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