Wednesday, July 03, 2024
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Immigrant Affairs

Becoming A Woman Who Pleases God …….the story of the Shunammite woman


In examining the life of the Shunammite woman as recorded in 1 Kings 4:8-37, the thoughts that came to my mind is that she was a woman who was well groomed to be god-fearing, a good wife, hospitable, respectful, industrious and so much more. Many people focus on the fact that she was barren initially, but there was so much more to her character that brought the blessings of God right to her doorstep. It is not the amount of time you spend in Church or doing other charitable activities that will draw the supernatural blessings of God. We cannot bribe God with our service. Serving Him must...

Read more: Becoming A Woman Who Pleases God …….the story of the Shunammite woman


How Connected Is Your Family?


One of the most moving advertisements that I have ever seen is sponsored by The National Fatherhood Initiative.  I saw it for the first time a number of years ago in an Oprah magazine. The advertisement showed the picture of a newborn baby peacefully asleep within the folds of a beautiful pink blanket.  The blanket, however, 

INSTRUCTIONS: DADS, PLEASE READ CAREFULLY BEFORE RAISING. If this bold warning were not enough, the details on the label went further to say:had a label that read:

This is a Baby. It needs you. It needs your love, your touch, and your time. Spend lots of time with it. Build a birdhouse. Read a book. Go for a walk. Do homework. Play. The more time you spend, the better chance it...

Read more: How Connected Is Your Family?





For generations, nations, organizations, families and individuals have been using ‘codeword’, ‘test word’ or ‘password’ in order to gain access to a need or claim membership of some sort. This is also true of the Bible age. To the Gileadites as we read in Judges 12:1-6, the word “Shibboleth” is a codeword that was used in order to differentiate between an Ephraimite and a Gileadite. In this war-time story, it is clearly shown that anyone who claimed to be a Gileadite but could not pronounce the word ‘Shibboleth’ correctly (with its H sound) was definitely not a Gileadite and was therefore killed.


A colleague of mine in year 2005, Pastor Justus Orori, was teaching in one of his sermons about what is in a name. As he spoke I recalled my...

Read more: THE CODE WORD


Why Trayvon Martin Still Matters


There has not been a case in recent history that has riled the public as the murder of Trayvon Martin on February 26 in Sanford, Florida. Unless you live under a rock you have heard, read, or seen at least one news report on the assassination of the seventeen-year-old. Bloggers, media pundits, civil rights leaders and even President Barack Obama have voice their opinions about this case.  The death of Trayvon’s caused an almost unprecedented social outcry. Over 2.2 million signatures were collected on a petition to arrest the alleged shooter, George Zimmerman. Thousands and hundreds of hoodie marches were held across the nation in solidarity with Trayvon’s outfit on the day of his fatal shooting; walkouts were staged by students in Florida; a number...

Read more: Why Trayvon Martin Still Matters




Drug Dealers in Schools?


Q. My sister just found out that her son has been using drugs.  His school caught him

with marijuana and cocaine in his bag.  Needless to say, my sister is distraught. He

has admitted that he first tried drugs from another student who sells drugs in his high

school. How can parents protect their children from drug dealers in school?  How

many teens use drugs?


A. You have triggered a discussion that I will answer in a three parts.  First the

incidence of drugs use among our youth.  Next how can parents/teachers

tell if their student is using drugs?  Last, what can parents/ school districts do? I

visited the US Department of Justice’s website...

Read more: ASK LISA-ANNE MAY 12


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