Wednesday, July 03, 2024
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Immigrant Affairs

Have Parents Lost Their Rights?

family_mattersNews of the arrest of prominent Tele-Evangelist, Reverend Creflo Dollar, for simple battery and cruelty to children caught everyone by surprise. Dollar was arrested after his fifteen-year-old daughter called 9-1-1 reporting an alleged incident of abuse at the hands of her father. In the call that lasted for about 5 minutes, she went on to add that this was not the first time that this type of violence had taken place.  News outlets all over America paraded the details of the incident, replaying the phone call the minor made to 9-1-1.  USA Today reported that the police report from the...

Read more: Have Parents Lost Their Rights?


Regarding Temptations


Dear Reader, I have a strong feeling that the Lord Almighty is going to bless you greatly as you read this exhortation. It’s about temptation; something we all experience. Using Matthew 4:1-11 as our guide, I want to bring to your attention that Satan will go to any length and use anything possible to tempt God’s children. Most of the time he uses our needs or weakness to entrap us, but with Christ’s help we can always overcome his tricks.


  1. Food: If he could tempt Christ with food (Mt. 4:1-3), he could do so with anyone. Usually when we are hungry, we become impatient, desperate and vulnerable. He also tempted Adam with food, therefore be careful not to fall for Satan at your weak point.
  2. Position: Satan...

Read more: Regarding Temptations




Heartburn is the feeling of a burning sensation or pain behind or just below the breastbone (sternum) caused by the backing up (reflux) of stomach acid into the food pipe (esophagus). Interestingly, it has nothing to do with the heart as the name suggests. About ten percent of Americans experience heartburn. It can be triggered by certain foods, lifestyle, medications and even stress. Mainstay of treatment includes avoiding foods that trigger the symptoms and the use of antacids. Recurrent heartburn is the commonest symptom of Gastro-esophageal reflux disease-GERD (backing up of stomach contents into the food pipe).


How does heartburn present?

  • Sensation described as warmth, burning, peppery or pain starting from below or behind the...

Read more: HEARTBURN




Do You Know the Dangers of Leaving Children in Hot Cars?


Q. I recently heard about an old grandmother who was babysitting her four month old great grandchild and forgot the infant was in the car and the infant died from heat exposure. Can you warn parents about the dangers of leaving children in hot cars this summer?


A. It is such a sad scenario to hear that parents, grandparents and even babysitters, have left a child or two in the car because they only planned to be in the store or post office for a few minutes.  Many return to find the child/children very sick or dead.  In the story you have shared, it was just a sad mistake. Being older and out of her usual routine, made it easy to forget the infant was there.  This is...

Read more: ASK LISA-ANNE July 12


How Not To Become a Hater


Surely the news few years ago about Stephen Tyrone Johns, the 39 year-old man who died while working at the Holocaust Museum in Washington D.C, caught your attention. Johns, a security guard for the museum was known to greet museum visitors with a smile. His colleagues called him “Big John” and they said he was an easy-going person. On Wednesday June 10, 2009 he was the target of a ‘trigger happy’, self-proclaimed white supremacist. A few minutes before the assault, Johns had greeted the man with a smile even opening the door for the senior citizen.  Once inside the door, the assailant took aim with his riffle and proceeded to shoot. The quick thinking John and his fellow security guards interrupted the attack and saved the lives of many people that day. Undoubtedly, Johns...

Read more: How Not To Become a Hater


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