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Immigrant Affairs

ASK LISA-ANNE February 2013


How are African-Americans and New Immigrants doing academically?

Q.  As we celebrate the Black History Month, what is the state of academic achievement for African-American children and new immigrant children at this time?

A.   The stats are still poor.  Overall, African-American students score lower on standardized tests, graduate at lower rates and are considerably more likely to be expelled, suspended or placed in special education.  If they are poor and new to the country, the gaps are even worse.  If students are new immigrants who speak...

Read more: ASK LISA-ANNE February 2013


Generational Blessings Can Begin With You


Welcome to another month of learning the truth of God’s words. Today I want to draw your attention to the story of a family of blessed people. In the book of Genesis 22:1-18, you will see a part of the dealing of God with Abraham – where we found that Abraham walked with God so faithfully that God made a lasting covenant with him by oath; a covenant of blessings that lasted many generations.As you read the highlights of the story, it is my prayer that you will learn from father Abraham and begin to walk with God in faith – to the point that the blessings of Abraham can begin with you and get passed on to your descendants because of your own faithfulness.The power (the “because”) behind or keys to generational blessings: God said in Genesis 22:16, “…“because...

Read more: Generational Blessings Can Begin With You



Urine is normally light yellow in color.  Blood in urine can be visible (gross hematuria) or be detected when red blood cells are seen in the urine when it is tested (microscopic hematuria). When there is blood in the urine, it may appear pink, red or cola-colored. The root cause of both microscopic and gross hematuria should be investigated as it may be a pointer to an underlying condition.

How does blood get in the urine?

Blood gets into the urine from the urinary tract (UT). The tract consists of the kidneys, ureters, bladder, and the urethra. Urine is made when blood is filtered as it passes through a tightly woven network of small vessels (glomerulus) located in the kidney. Blood can originate from the vessels, growths along the tract, damage to the tract...




Urine is normally light yellow in color.  Blood in urine can be visible (gross hematuria) or be detected when red blood cells are seen in the urine when it is tested (microscopic hematuria). When there is blood in the urine, it may appear pink, red or cola-colored. The root cause of both microscopic and gross hematuria should be investigated as it may be a pointer to an underlying condition.

How does blood get in the urine?

Blood gets into the urine from the urinary tract (UT). The tract consists of the kidneys, ureters, bladder, and the urethra. Urine is made when blood is filtered as it passes through a tightly woven network of small vessels (glomerulus) located in the kidney. Blood can originate from the vessels, growths along the tract, damage to the tract...




Urine is normally light yellow in color.  Blood in urine can be visible (gross hematuria) or be detected when red blood cells are seen in the urine when it is tested (microscopic hematuria). When there is blood in the urine, it may appear pink, red or cola-colored. The root cause of both microscopic and gross hematuria should be investigated as it may be a pointer to an underlying condition.

How does blood get in the urine?

Blood gets into the urine from the urinary tract (UT). The tract consists of the kidneys, ureters, bladder, and the urethra. Urine is made when blood is filtered as it passes through a tightly woven network of small vessels (glomerulus) located in the kidney. Blood can originate from the vessels, growths along the tract, damage to the tract...



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